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<J24k87> so i testing import of svg at the moment - it crashes quite a lot without warning.
<J24k87> just closes
<J24k87> v 2024.06.25
<InPhase> For previously working svgs?
<InPhase> There's a moderately complicated santa svg import in the calendar.
<InPhase> Which has obviously been heavily tested.
<J24k87> they worked 2 years ago  and now i am adressing the ID
<J24k87> it seems the resize(,true)  is causing the problem on some
<J24k87> yes some shapes crash when resizing (not all)
<InPhase> Hmm. We don't dip into Manifold for anything 2D, right?
<J24k87> When i made the Dragonfly i also had some crashes when altering (cleaning) the points .. some curves seems to be problematic (and i mostly just deleted points)
<J24k87> so i deleted more and it was working again
<InPhase> Unfortunate. We should really not crash even if input points are really wild.
<J24k87> got the impression this happens if two points are very close togetehr
<J24k87> hm no crashing again
<J24k87> definitely the resize
<J24k87> So i could -solve- workaround this with an 0.01 offset
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