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<guso78k> teepee you mentioned "Library Manager" for OpenSCAD previously in the IRC. How far this idea already evolve ? is there a place where ideas are written down ?
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<guso78k> yes , "Library Manager"  exactly matches  the idea, i was focusing.
<guso78k> I'd like to see a big list database of GITHUB repositories with an URL and a Name each, where ANYBODY can add entries and browse the ENTRIES from within openSCAD
<teepee> that is pretty much this. it's essentially the flow used by arduino too on the backend side
<guso78k> yes, i have been using Arduino, too
<guso78k> "My"  Idea would limit the the usage to only XX-Scad  Designs and also to Github.  Github because it offers great versioning control
<guso78k> it should be usable without the user knowing about git as a tool.
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<kintel> guso78 JS as a language: Are you building that on the same infrastructure as Python? I remember there was some discussion/ideas about making the underlying infrastructure general enough to easily add languages on top.. Which JS engine did you start integrating?
<kintel> (I think JS will be significantly easier to integrate as there is proper sandboxing support)
<kintel> guso78 Non-triangulated data: You'd have to go all the way back to the user-defined primitives, as we have to triangulate early, e.g. because Manifold only supports triangles.
<kintel> We could add face attributes mapping back to original non-triangular faces, but that will get pretty messy I fear
<guso78k24> kintel, i started to integrate js next to my current python implementation and js directory next to the python directory
<guso78k24> reason for that is, that i see people have difficulties with the indents of python
<kintel> sounds good. In any case, it's a good opportunity to refactor the commonalities into some general infrastructure to make any duplication between the two minimal :)
<guso78k> but yet i know already, that it will be hard to achieve same level as i did in python. look at the curly braces workaround, as javascript does not support named parameters as scad language does.
<kintel> yeah, positional parameters are also hard to remember : /
<guso78k> kintel, i have written procedures to undo the triangulation by combining faces with exact same orientation, but i am resistant to call my function once after render and before doing measurement as it takes some cpu time ...
<guso78k> still have other languages like lua in mind, but i did not yet find the 2nd best match(python is my #1)
<kintel> I wonder if we could convince Manifold to support allowing multiple triangles to have the same face ID - that could solve your problem
<guso78k> it would ease my problem. i would only allow edges which have faces with different FaceID's on either side, but still i have to build an Edge-Database ...
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<guso78k> as i dont have the perfect solution yet, i accept the fact, that measurement can also select inter-polygon edges.
<guso78k> I think we will anyway need to do some pre-measurement  processing in future, this will enable us to do fancy face selection, as seen in prusa slicer.
<guso78k> latest measure PR also adds a "ruler" as red line to show the distance, where the measurement was taken, however ideally we copy the code to draw x/y/z axes and use that one create the "ruler"
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<kintel> ..or ideally refactor the axes code to modern OpenGL, to avoid building more technical debt :)
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<pca006132> anyone with other linux/mac machines that can help me test this: https://github.com/elalish/manifold/pull/857
<pca006132> run the benchmark and see the results... that can help us tune the algorithm performance a bit
<pca006132> windows is not supported as the benchmark code I copied uses cxxabi for demangling and print out the function names, which is not supported by msvc (mingw/msys2 may work?)
<t4nk_fn> would I have to build https://github.com/pca006132/manifold.git for that?
<pca006132> yes, that specific branch
<pca006132> custom-pstl
<t4nk_fn> because it was complaining about quickhull
<pca006132> with MANIFOLD_PAR=TBB
<t4nk_fn> no sources given
<pca006132> did you do recursive clone? we have submodules :P
<t4nk_fn> lol
<t4nk_fn> of course not, how dare you ;)
<pca006132> we used to have many more submodules
<pca006132> and quickhull will become optional for manifold build later, so users will not notice they forgot to do recursive clone if they did not enable building that
<t4nk_fn> no hidden telemetry, right?
<t4nk_fn> or open, for that matter ;)
<pca006132> no, it is too much work to hide that into our code
<t4nk_fn> lol
<t4nk_fn> euh, buddy, I just built manifold from a build dir I created, with you suggested TBB thingy
<t4nk_fn> what do I need to run?
<pca006132> extras/stlTest
<pca006132> and just copy the output to pastebin or something, it should be a table like https://github.com/elalish/manifold/pull/857#issuecomment-2219774009
<t4nk_fn> I must have missed something
<t4nk_fn> there's only perfTest and largeSceneTest
<pca006132> ah, are you on windows?
<t4nk_fn> no Sir, no Sir
<pca006132> weird, let me see...
<t4nk_fn> oh wait
<t4nk_fn> I git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/pca006132/manifold.git 'ed
<t4nk_fn> probably should have switched brances?
<pca006132> yes
<t4nk_fn> ches
<t4nk_fn> sorry
<pca006132> no worry
<t4nk_fn> a little output would have been nice.. what's the estimate on the duration?
<pca006132> a few minutes, usually
<pca006132> nice, thanks a lot!
<pca006132> btw what CPU are you using?
<pca006132> it scales much better than what we got on i12 and Apple M1
<t4nk_fn> hang on, I'm running a second test, timed this time, and I'll put some more info with it
<pca006132> thanks
<pca006132> interesting, AMD behaves very differently from Intel
<t4nk_fn> I'm guessing you are all on way better hardware
<pca006132> but not users have the same hardware as ours, so it is important to get more data from the users
<pca006132> when doing this kind of performance tuning
<t4nk_fn> sure
<pca006132> btw what gcc version are you using?
<t4nk_fn> 13.2.1 20240210 and I think my mem is running at 2100MHz
<pca006132> the stable_sort in your system seems suboptimal... I am not expecting my simple parallel version to beat the stl sort for small vectors (on other machines it is indeed slower than the stl version)
<pca006132> if you look at the results we had on the github issue, you will notice that sort_* for 1K array size is usually slower, because the merge sort I am using is not well optimized for single core
<pca006132> but in your system it seems to be faster than the STL sort
<pca006132> no idea why
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<t4nk_fn> just let me know if there's anything else you'd like and I'll see what I can do if I see it.
<pca006132> Maybe compare the current master branch performance (elalish's branch) with the performance after my PR. Just time both tests/manifold_test and extras/perfTest. CPU time and wall clock time are both important to know
<pca006132> ideally after these tuning we should reduce unnecessary parallelization, so the CPU time may be slightly a bit better
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<t4nk_fn> pca006132, https://dpaste.com/62X8RCUM5 is this what you wanted?
<t4nk_fn> so I just applied your pr as a patch on top of the current master branch
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<Guest9> Hi all.  I'm new to 3D modeling and OpenSCAD but I am finding it really useful the more I play with it.  One thing - I use a Mac, and the Github binary isn't signed; is anyone working on getting the signing process working?  I am a long time Mac developer and could help with that.
<Guest9> Happy to file a bug in Github if that's the best way to keep track of the issue.
<teepee> there's a long discussion on that already. if you have an idea how to get this woking that would be nice
<Guest9> It looks like there are some nice tools now for signing and notarizing builds with Github workflows.  The trick is to have an Apple developer account - if OpenSCAD.org doesn't have one already then that's probably the best way to do it, rather than an individual developer account.
<Guest9> (I know someone in Developer Relations who could help with that.)
<teepee> i can reactivate our company account, I assume that would work
<Guest9> Sure, if you are OK with the company being the "distributor" of the binaries
<teepee> I think that was the issue https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4059
<Guest9> Aha, reading through
<teepee> the builds are on CircleCI though, Github runs the test framework, but is not used for building binaries for distribution
<Guest9> I can take a look at this and comment in the bug.  I'll take a look at the bundle ID, entitlements, etc. and then see how automatic signing could work
<Guest9> I'm sure there's a way; I'll look at how it builds on CircleCI - haven't used that before
<Guest9> Ah thanks.  The trick is you need some way to store secrets for the developer certificates; CircleCI must have a way to do that for other things that need authentication.
<Guest9> they basically just base64 encode the certificate to store it as a secure string
<teepee> yes, CircleCI has a similar thing
<Guest9> That should be relatively straightforward then if you reactivate the developer account and are able to export a certificate.
<teepee> currently used for gpg signing only
<teepee> I can check about the account, probably next week
<teepee> I did not follow the discussion too closely as I lost all means of even running the binaries some time ago
<Guest9> Cool!  thanks, I'll comment in the bug so I can follow along there.
<teepee> kintel is mostly taking care of the macos stuff as he's using the hardware
<Guest9> got it
<Guest9> Thanks for the pointers;  I'll check back next week!
<teepee> cool, thanks