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<J24k48> how does a 1.5mb svg becomes 40mb 3mf by extrusion?
<Scopeuk> That does seam a little drastic but svg can use complex primitives, ones they've been turned into a bunch of triangles it could explode
<Scopeuk> One donut could be two trivial circle primitives in svg and become hundreds/thousands of triangles when extruded to a hollow cylinder
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<J24k48> Scopeuk right a bezier sort of works only in *amf  well that explains it if that is subdivided into resolution.. and that multiplies with each slice of the linear_extrusion
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<guso78k> is that a typo ?
<teepee> yes, I assume it is
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<guso78k29> found yet another 2 in import_amf
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