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<kintel> ..with number of edges being optional (write 0 if not supported(
<InPhase> I mean we're missing the newline.
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<InPhase> A line based parser wouldn't handle that right.
<InPhase> Unless there are other accepted formats not mentioned on wikipedia.
<kintel> That, or wikip is wrong ;)
<InPhase> Or that. :)
<InPhase> Hmm, yeah, the newline is not actually specified.
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<InPhase> I guess if nobody is using it, it'd be hard to know what the common expectation is.
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<kintel> For us it's just a good way of testing round trips, so that's a good start. 3mf next
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened issue #5218 (Subtracted minkowski isn't using the subtraction color in Manifold mode) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5218
<gbruno> [github] ochafik synchronize pull request #5180 (Color support for 3D rendering + export to glTF, Collada, STEP, PLY, X3D) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5180
<gbruno> [github] ochafik synchronize pull request #5180 (Color support for 3D rendering + export to glTF, Collada, STEP, PLY, X3D) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5180
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 3 additions 3 modifications 6 removals (More test fixes) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/c8fb49c208c30ce51bc3629368ba9fb5bea9a59f
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<J24k27> InPhase or you can print your TPU bands
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<teepee> nice, colors!
<teepee> for 3mf it would be nice to get the color support with lib3mf (maybe restrict to v2)
<teepee> while assimp is maybe a way of catching lots of formats, it's a huge monster and I didn't have good experience in the past. so I very much would advocate for it as optional dependency
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<guso78k> FYI i have template code to do colors in 3mf v2
<guso78k> write 3mf only
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<guso78k> i have just shortly checked the colored version, also working here!
<guso78k> only small issue: it does not display anything if feature render-colors is not enabled in my place
<guso78k> sorry, now its working :) did compile again
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<guso78k> But in the windows build I see that activating Feature "manifold" and "render-colors"   only get effective when re-starting openSCAD .. Is this a known/proven/fixable behavour ?
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<t4nk_fn> arg, I still don't know what to do.. got this old ender3 and I tore my magnetic bed.. but now there's this new ender v3 ke
<t4nk_fn> don't know wheter I should buy it
<t4nk_fn> anyone here got one? seems like it has a few improvements
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<guso78k> I am really happy, that render colors are not included in main openSCAD branch. It adavances debugging of geometry algorithms to a whole new level!
<t4nk_fn> *whether I guess
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<kintel> In terms of color + 3mf: ochafik implemented v2 direct export, but I've suggested we wait merging this until import is also implemented, otherwise testing it will become annoying. For implementation, see https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/fc61ba6f1337cdfe4b265367fd305e29a4beb1a9
<buZz> i'm going to haxogreen next week and was thinking maybe some openscad introduction workshop would be cool
<buZz> is there some material for such already made?
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<guso78k> kintel, 3mf documentation was very poor on details on how to iterate over used materials and/or colors. hopefully *he*  can find all  required information.
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<Scopeuk> t4nk_fn as far as I can see most of the change is using klipper, that can be done fairly easily. For me it would be almost entirely financial, do you want to spend $$ on a new flex plate or $$$ on a new machine (probably and a new flex plate as that is all that is wrong with the other)
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<teepee> buZz: not seeing a license for using it, but maybe ask for permission https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/18x/presentations/introduction-openscad-coding-3d-things-fun-and-profit
<buZz> ooo nice
<buZz> even just for inspiration its a good start
<teepee> I've seen another one not long ago on mastodon, but can't find it again so far
<t4nk_fn> Scopeuk, you're killing me here.. :|
<t4nk_fn> but I don't think your assessment is accurate though..
<t4nk_fn> I got the ender 3 v2 pro orsth right now, and there are really a lot of changes for me
<t4nk_fn> rails on the x axis, rails on the y axis, direct extruder, ceramic, hotter and faster, 500mm/s print speed, automatic touch probing and z offset, the build plate, better connection options..
<t4nk_fn> and you can't really install klipper on the old ender which is slow like mad
<t4nk_fn> then not to mention the silent mobo, and touch screen
<t4nk_fn> mmm there's really a whole lot of advantages methinks
<t4nk_fn> (as in.. I already got the tracking number since I ordered it :b)
<t4nk_fn> but yeah, in order to 'fix it', a new build plate would have done it I guess (I even have a glass plate I don't use)
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<t4nk_fn> but I must say I grew decently tired of the quirks of the old one, looking forward to some more ease of use
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<Scopeuk> t4nk_fn I didn't think there were as much mechanical change, that sounds like a reasonable leap in the machine mechanics
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<t4nk_fn> yeah, double leadscrews on the z-axis too
<buZz> and two motors! for tilt compensation :D
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<buZz> oh ender3 likely wont have a spare driver for it
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<t4nk_fn> I hear the next economy version will be 3d-printed with broomsticks stuck up 'em for rails
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<pa> where does openscad keep the temp files it renders when F6 is pressed but save not pressed?
<pa> (i would so appreciate the option to auto save on F6 or F5)
<InPhase> ~/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups
<InPhase> My last entries in there are from 2021. It almost never triggers for me, because it's not a thing when you are using an external editor, where save triggers the preview.
<pa> Thank you!!!
<pa> ah, external editor.. interesting
<pa> maybe i should start doing the same
<InPhase> vim for the win.
<pa> ehm..
<InPhase> I know we put a good bit of effort into the built-in editor, but I think the program works so much better splitting the display with a vim window on one side, and OpenSCAD just being console/display and handling the previewing and rendering.
<pa> the built in editor is certainly limited, but serves enough purposes.. But having the option to save before render should cost much, and might solve headaches..
<pa> off by default, potentially
<pa> *shouldnt
<InPhase> Many things would require save before a heavy step like render.
<InPhase> Like every IDE requires saving before building.
<InPhase> I'm not sure why we have this differing behavior.
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<pa> I think i asked this before, and the answer was that such behavior wasn't wanted/welcome.. hence my suggestion for "optional"
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