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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 4 additions 1 modifications (Added test for #2841 (#5242)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/5718cb7eaccea375f59d34ab20cb2b2176f8f8fe
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5242 (Added tests for #2841) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5242
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<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #5246 (Fix non-experimental build) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5246
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<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5246 (Fix non-experimental build) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5246
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Fix non-experimental build (#5246)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/f141eefdaa5dd9e2701b3c38e0ff8e890dbef032
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Bump CGAL to 5.6.1 (#5243)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/3816e45d4b8297dd68742ecd8ba9776df0af01c5
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5243 (Bump CGAL to 5.6.1) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5243
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<ubuntourist> Can soomeone provide a good example of using the command line option --animate?
<ubuntourist> I tried using "--animate 720" on a .scad file that I had previously animated from within the IDE, but I ended up with 720 empty frames.
<ubuntourist> (Animating from within the IDE, the camera does a birdseye fly-around the object. I use 30 FPS and 720 steps, and it works great. But being able to do it from Bash scripts would be even better.)
<InPhase> ubuntourist: Two approaches. You can specify camera view from the command line. You can also specify camera view with special variables inside the script in a manner that depends upon $t.
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<ubuntourist> @InPhase, the test.scad file uses $t and $vpr and works great from the pulldown menu in the IDE. It's the command-line I'm having trouble with.
<ubuntourist> InPhase, In the source, I have a line $vpr = [60, 0, $t * 360]; that flies the camera.
<InPhase> That will work identically, but if you're seeing nothing, you might not have the rest of the camera frame set right. There are camera specification options on the command line though. See the --help
<ubuntourist> InPhase Stupid me: I just opened it in the IDE and saw nothing, which puzzled me.
<InPhase> ubuntourist: Here's my reference example for fully specifying camera from the scad script: https://bpa.st/6F6A
<InPhase> ubuntourist: This is a more flexible programmatic option.
<InPhase> As demonstrated in this one. (Try it first from the gui.)
<ubuntourist> InPhase Well, I wrote the code a long time ago, and forgot that I had multiplication in there that made the object HUGE. Clicking the ViewAll icon brought it all in focus.
<InPhase> FPS 30, steps 300
<ubuntourist> InPhase So, either in the script or at the command line, I need to add a "View All" to scale properly before animating. (Once I took out the multiplier, the command line did what it should have.)
<InPhase> Whether or not "view all" will work depends on the dynamics of the animation.
<InPhase> I never relied on a view all for a command line generation because it can be so finicky with moving objects.
<InPhase> Instead, always a predefined frame. If I don't have the cameras specificied in the scad script for an animation, I put them into an accompanying bash script that lives with the file, where that bash script is for the generation of the animation with camera parameters locked into it.
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<InPhase> You can "extract" good camera parameters by finding them in the gui and reading them from the bottom panel of the gui, or echo'ing them to the console.
<ubuntourist> InPhase, I chose, for my test, a SCAD file I wrote for a friend who wanted the axis to use "feet" rather than "mm". He didn't want to do the math himself.
<ubuntourist> InPhase, Very helpful! Thanks. I shall pursue that.
<InPhase> ubuntourist: For imperial units, keeping the file mm but the code and outputs can be in imperial: https://bpa.st/PBCA
<InPhase> ft(6, 1, 1/4) i.e., 6', 1 and 1/4"
<InPhase> And an echo with ImpStr would be like "6 ft, 1 1/4 in"
<InPhase> Then you get full human interfacing with imperial, but you can stay mm primary, and be more standards compatible. And also this helps for mixing and matching.
<InPhase> This is good for just about everything other than apartment layouts where you want the axes themselves to show feet.
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<ubuntourist> InPhase, +1
<ubuntourist> Off to learn... Ta-ta.
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<gbruno> [github] hzeller opened pull request #5247 (Improve readability of axis numbering; use Hershey font.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5247
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<Guest62> Hey - Could anyone advise me on how to make a cylinder with a bevelled bottom edge?  Not even ChatGPT seems to have it figured out :(
<Scopeuk> Guest62 so sort of the end of a partially sharpened pencil shape? I think I would look to create a rectangle with a cut off corner in 2d then rotate extrude
<Guest62> Scopeuk - Maybe bevelled isn't always the right term.  A slightly rounded edge on the base so its not sharp
<Guest62> I think Fusion calls it a Fillet
<Scopeuk> https://ochafik.com/openscad2/#H4sIAAAAAAAAA3VRTUsDQQz9KyVedmGqVSziSg9ePAse2yJxJtsOzE7WTMZ+LPvfZVoVBIUcksfLI+9lgB4FuwTNAGjVf9Az6hYauOoDHjbCObrLZNGBgcRZLCVolgP0/7IsR6Wo0ICwotIr7VWyo6qeDKvofNuSULRU1cMqpveMQlXyR1osb2ZmPlsbS1FJFi2GRPXDKqpgTAGVquX13MzW9eQsXE1v5/Xkl8L8b4XxVDCuDbSEmuVkAjqMvuVQjm4x6dSmDRgIeDxMc/QcwQCm5LseDAhFRzK1HFgSrL+BJ5YOi9dNeAMDtO9Z9Bc
<Scopeuk> 4GvjwtCv5Bjxw1tJ17Aga6HJQX9acVxZoVDKd6fQz2ZyUO38syMnQWCIOhQ4X7b27u7HlNVvePe6LrfNWmV+26Hj3AwXefPXj+AnpPKji9gEAAA== or similar?
<Scopeuk> Hmm that broke the link
<Scopeuk> https://pastebin.com/26SKubBT for just code
<Scopeuk> Recomend looking at what that is doing in 2d and then the 3d, all dimensions are fully arbitrary
<Guest62> Hmm ok thanks, i think thats more of a chamfer.  It's for 3d printing so for removing the sharp edges
<Scopeuk> I guess fillet is typically a curved profile, you could do similar removing a circle from the base shape in 2d
<InPhase> Guest62: If you want something more specific, try hitting google image search or bing image search until you find an example of what you mean that you can share.
<InPhase> Guest62: For rounded stuff, I have several examples here: https://github.com/rcolyer/smooth-prim
<Guest62> Basically this
<InPhase> That's the SmoothCylinder module in the link I just shared.
<InPhase> You'll see it's basically the same as Scopeuk's example, but with a combination of square and circle in the 2D part.
<Guest62> Ah nice, thanks
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<gbruno> [github] unexpectedness edited issue #5241 (Eliminate zero-thickness artifacts from boolean operations on coplanar surfaces) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5241
<gbruno> [github] unexpectedness closed issue #5241 (Eliminate zero-thickness artifacts from boolean operations on coplanar surfaces) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5241
<gbruno> [github] unexpectedness edited issue #5241 (xxx) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5241
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<teepee> that AI nonsense is really getting out of hand :(
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<InPhase> teepee: Well, I guess the submitter was working with the assumption that we just hadn't thought about the issue, rather than that it has been thought about to exhaustion and it's simply a fundamentally hard problem that no current gen AI is going to swoop in and outwit us on. :)
<teepee> and that seems to be a dangerous path to walk
<InPhase> Yep.
<teepee> it should be a tool to help getting results
<teepee> right now it's more the tool that controls people
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