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<gbruno> [github] lkarthee synchronize pull request #4758 (DRAFT - Supporting New Language Runtimes ) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4758
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<InPhase> oldlaptop: I wonder how many of those the sqlite team actually sells as support contracts.
<InPhase> This looks like appropriate pricing to me. It's just a question of how many businesses exist that conclude they need it.
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<JordanBrown> teepee you there?
<JordanBrown> hello?
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<teepee> JordanBrown: with half an eye
<JordanBrown> So I take it that you haven't gotten any of the private mail that I've sent you recently?
<JordanBrown> Notably two on 20 Oct and 27 Oct subject includes "Next official release".
<JordanBrown> I know you got the one I sent from my work address.
<JordanBrown> teepee^
<teepee> oh, I thought it was a github comment, yes I got that, but I have no clear plan to just reply with
<JordanBrown> You seemed to be suggesting that there was a lot of work involved and you didn't want to do it all yourself.
<JordanBrown> I would like to at least try to help make it happen.
<teepee> ideally there's 2 issues that should have some sort of closure for a new release, I don't know how likely that is though
<teepee> otherwise there should be an issue with a list of bullet points
<JordanBrown> I haven't been trying to follow the status of Manifold, or any of the huge amount of stuff that Marius has been doing recently.
<teepee> yes, that's another topic too, define what experimental features shall go into the next release
<teepee> I suppose the best way might be dusting of that one https://github.com/openscad/openscad/projects/8 and update with all things needed from todays point of view
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<JordanBrown> I had blissfully forgotten #3781, the behavior of top-level $ variables in "use" files.
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<teepee> yes the 2 issues I have in mind is that one and the reevaluation one - the last one not *that* critical but would be a nice speed update along with Manifold
<JordanBrown> which "reevaluation" one?
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<teepee> there's probably an issue on github too, I'll try to find later
<JordanBrown> OK.
<teepee> it's about things getting re-evaluated when crossing file boundaries IIRC
<JordanBrown> Sounds closely related to #3761.
<teepee> I'm on my way back home in a couple of minutes so afk for a while
<JordanBrown> ok
<oldlaptop> InPhase: AIUI enough that it took over drh's whole business some time ago
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<gbruno> [github] neildarlow opened issue #4799 (Coredump with File|Quit but not Main Window Close) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4799
<gbruno> [github] neildarlow edited issue #4799 (Coredump with File|Quit but not Main Window Close) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4799
<JordanBrown_> teepee did you ever really understand Nophead's desired scoping rules for top-level $ variables in use-d files?
<JordanBrown_> actually I should say scoping and evaluation, since I think both were relevant.
<teepee> well, "don't change anything" pretty much
<teepee> which is a no-go in my view, but I gave up trying to discuss as there was nothing going forward, InPhase even submitted patches to solve the specific issues but those were rejected
<teepee> I see 2 options at this point
<teepee> 1) document behavior and that's it
<teepee> 2) find a way of flagging old-style files so they can work with the broken behavior
<teepee> I'd like 1) but 2) is probably the better choice
<JordanBrown> Without having dug into the details, it seemed like that change was intended to at least partially address the recomputation issue from #782.
<JordanBrown> Another idea that is tantalizingly close to practical is to build something atop #4478's objects.
<teepee> well, I just added a couple of "Prio" labels :)
<JordanBrown> The idea would be that you would import a file, and the whole file - all variables, function, and modules - would appear as members of that object.
<teepee> so I suppose one of the next steps is going through issues and looking what should be assigned to the release and what prio
<teepee> yes, that would likely solve a huge amount of namespace issues, maybe even all of them
<JordanBrown> Do you mean of the not-yet-done stuff, going back to the existing changes and pulling some out, or going back to the existing changes and marking some as experimental?
<teepee> I would start with issues only first, code discussion comes next
<JordanBrown> Also, as a new mechanism, it can have new evaluation semantics. It might be more practical to restore the old $ semantics, and say that new software should use this new mechanism.
<teepee> but I don't the anything that should get new experimental flags
<teepee> no, the old semantics make no sense
<JordanBrown> Yeah, but being stuck with legacy is being stuck with legacy.
<teepee> they introduce a random scope of "crossing into a new file"
<JordanBrown> If there's a new mechanism that just works better and avoids the problem, it's not awful to leave old legacy that doesn't behave well.
<teepee> yes, we may need to keep the legacy, but for new stuff I don't think we want to keep it
<JordanBrown> the idea would be that you would say something like "bosl2 = import("BOSL2.scad")"
<JordanBrown> and then "bosl2.some_bosl2_module(args)".
<teepee> yes
<JordanBrown> Makes the file name be almost the only namespace issue.
<JordanBrown> I say almost because $ variables passed into the library might be a namespace issue.
<JordanBrown> e.g. more than one library might define a $trace variable.
<JordanBrown> That mechanism was one of the reasons that I was interested in the "hybrid" object model, where the definition of an object looked like an OpenSCAD program instead of having its own sub-language.
<JordanBrown> That would fit well with the notion of sucking up a more-or-less-standard OpenSCAD file and importing it as an object.
<JordanBrown> But at this point I think that the problems with that model - in particular, being unclear how you would do computed keys and no obvious way to do object comprehensions -
<JordanBrown> outweigh its benefits.
<JordanBrown> But then with the "independent" model, where dictionary-like objects and geometry objects are two entirely separate things,
<JordanBrown> it is not clear how you would fold in the "import a file" concept.
<JordanBrown> Maybe there would be a magic-named variable, e.g. "export", and the value of that one variable would be the value returned by the import() function.
<JordanBrown> So the library would say "export = { someconst: 5, somemodule: module (args) { body } };"
<JordanBrown> or the equivalent using intermediate variables.
<JordanBrown> I don't like the magic-name scheme, but it would work.
<JordanBrown> Would still have to figure out how top-level $ variables would fit in. Which might be "they don't".
<teepee> yes, I'm sure they don't
<teepee> they start in the dynamic execution context, not the static code file
<JordanBrown> Yeah, but the "static" code file is only sort of static. It (and in particular its assignments) get executed once, at import time.
<JordanBrown> and maybe that's the answer, that top-level $ variable assignments are evaluated once, at import time. Which makes them not very useful.
<JordanBrown> I'd be interested in working on that concept, but I don't want to invest energy in it until we have the stuff in #4478 reasonably settled.
<teepee> file based they still don't make sense as they would not be overwritable from outside
<teepee> $x = 3; i = import("file.scad");
<JordanBrown> That value of $x would be visible during the evaluation of the top level of file.scad.
<JordanBrown> so for instance, file.scad might say "export = { value = $x };"
<JordanBrown> and then i = import("file.scad"); echo(e.value); would yield 3.
<teepee> yes, but the expectation of the file level is very likely to be a default
<teepee> and that's not working
<JordanBrown> indeed.
<JordanBrown> Would have to figure out an idiom for having the file supply defaults.
<JordanBrown> but that might be as simple as if_undef($foo) ? default_foo : $foo.
<JordanBrown> I do wish that I was happier with the Python integration, because then I would just abandon all of this language design in favor of the mature language.
<JordanBrown> But the security thing still bugs me, and the fact that the minimum program is more complicated than "cube();" bugs me.
<teepee> as far as I understand that might be coming for python too
<teepee> well, without the ; of course :D
<JordanBrown> Hmm. I'm not sure how. But maybe.
<JordanBrown> The trick, I think, is that "cube()" should add to the model (or to the current subassembly), but "x = cube()" should not.
<JordanBrown> While language design is fun, it's also usually an exercise in reinventing wheels, poorly.
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<JordanBrown> Changing gears for a moment, what do you know about the Matrix integration no longer working?
<teepee> they disconnected the bridge but I did not understand the details as the old style connection is not supposed to be back but something might
<JordanBrown> Do you have any references or contact points?
<teepee> there was a blog post, let me see if I can find that again
<JordanBrown> Oh, and back on the Python thing for a moment... I do not mean to disparage the Python integration work that's been done. Those two concerns are pretty intrinsic to how Python works.
<teepee> iI have no idea if that portal vs. plumbing is somehow still possible, it's all a bit fuzzy to me
<teepee> I only found that after some sort of deadline, so the initial "you have to do that..." did not work anymore
<JordanBrown> (reading)
<JordanBrown> So they're saying that there's still a way to connect the two (via "plumbing") and they they're going to put together a guide... but at least as of that post, they didn't have that guide or give any hints.
<JordanBrown> https://matrix.org/blog/2023/07/make-sure-libera-bridge-keeps-working/ might be that guide but has (for reasons I haven't read to yet) a July 31st deadline.
<teepee> yep, that's the one I meant
<teepee> so now we are somehow floating without a clear status
<JordanBrown> I'm not sure, but I think it's saying that you have to do this before July 31 *to maintain uninterrupted service*.
<JordanBrown> I don't think it's saying that the procedure described won't work after July 31st.
<JordanBrown> Random tidbit: there seems to be a bridge from Freenode's #openscad to Matrix.
<JordanBrown> Are you a channel operator on libera.chat:#openscad?
<teepee> no
<teepee> wait, you mean IRC? yes
<teepee> but not the matrix channel
<JordanBrown> Yes, that's what I was asking.
<teepee> that's owned by the appservice I think, so I'm not sure there's an actual human as owner right now
<JordanBrown> Hmm. #openscad:matrix.org is apparently an alias for #freenode_#channelname:openscad.
<JordanBrown> That's kind of unfortunate.
<teepee> I wonder if there's some way to contact matrix.org about that, I have not looked yet
<teepee> like if there's a way of getting actual ownership of that room
<JordanBrown> Well, hmm. I created a new #openscad_libera and tried to follow the instructions for setting up plumbing, but there's no "IRC Bridge (libera.chat)" choice in the list of extensions.
<JordanBrown> There are a couple of other IRC bridges, but not that one.
<JordanBrown> I'm asking in one of the Matrix rooms.
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<JordanBrown_> And asking in Libera's Matrix-coordination room too.
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<teepee> yeah, there was talk it might come back, looks like that hope is mostly gone by now
<teepee> the reason why I was not jumping at running our own bridge is that according to what I've read, we would also need our own matrix server too
<JordanBrown_> I looked at Mastodon too, but it isn't clear to me whether Mastodon is really intended for this kind of back-and-forth chat.
<teepee> yeah, I don't think it's meant to do that
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<teepee> I do like Mastodon so far, including the public API. the best thing of course is "no *bleep* billionaire pulling the strings"