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<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee: hah, exciting! I guess the hard bit is to start with some manifoldness guarantee somewhere. Self-intersecting meshes seem so costly to repair for instance...
<OlivierChafik[m]> I guess we're gonna *have* to wire manifold into OpenSCAD, even if "just to see" haha
<peepsalot> ah, just read this from manifold "Part of my road map is to migrate from Thrust to C++20 parallel algorithms, which will alleviate the need to install the Cuda Developer Kit to build."
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<peepsalot> so dropping thrust is already in plans, which is nice
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<peepsalot> OlivierChafik[m]: I'm trying to think about how we could clean up / refactor openscad codebase to make it easier to drop in different geometry libraries like this now
<OlivierChafik[m]> you could potentially generalize the hybrid polyhedron, which already hides away its internals from most of openscad (w/ some exceptions)
<peepsalot> i think it boils down to the geometry data structures used, like we need a competent lowest denominator for our own processing and display (currently Polyset which is not so good)
<peepsalot> and then a consistent interface to perform conversions between that and whatever structures the library uses, plus more clear interface for geometric operations on those structures
<OlivierChafik[m]> yes, I was hoping to push for the Surface_mesh as a replacement for PolySet but after dealing with it a bit more I think it's a bit too rigid
<peepsalot> oh, really? i've been hoping for that too, but I haven't had much chance to use it yet. what problems do you have with it?
<OlivierChafik[m]> and flag some "quality" attributes (valid, manifold, closed) on solids to match what those libraries support, with extra steps to give them what they need (Repairs, etc)
<OlivierChafik[m]> it's really expecting manifold solids. Can't add 3 faces to the same edge
<OlivierChafik[m]> unclosed is okay though
<OlivierChafik[m]> (that strictness helped me find many bugs in my algo haha, I was trying to add the same remeshed faces too many times :_D )
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<peepsalot> OlivierChafik[m]: have you seen OpenMesh before? https://www.graphics.rwth-aachen.de/software/openmesh/ I think it is similar to some of CGAL's types, and even recall some example code in CGAL docs convert to/from it i think
<peepsalot> i wonder if it is less rigid possibly in the ways you are looking for
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<peepsalot> that is another one I've briefly looked at as possible replacement, but haven't really dug into either
<OlivierChafik[m]> Hah, came across the name while going through CGAL's codebase but didn't look it up, thanks!
<OlivierChafik[m]> I'd wager they're also heavy on manifoldness, being a halfedge-based structure
<OlivierChafik[m]> maybe we should just repair inputs and enforce manifoldness from the start.
<OlivierChafik[m]> make invalid polyhedron calls to explode with a flurry of errors
<OlivierChafik[m]> patch the holes, and go as far as to removing self-intersecting faces
<OlivierChafik[m]> (in the opposite order)
<OlivierChafik[m]> There's some CGAL repair functions I haven't tried yet, had them fix this one lately: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/issues/6337#event-6130608873
<peepsalot> i'm not sure what this means exactly, but one of the first things in openmesh docs: "Ability to handle non-manifold vertices (like two faces meeting in only one vertex)."
<OlivierChafik[m]> once we have manifold & closed meshes we can use Surface_mesh, nefs and any other library like the new Manifold
<peepsalot> yeah, failing fast on non-manifold input would be best
<OlivierChafik[m]> meeting in one vertex sounds less terrible for halfedge structures than 3 faces meeting in one edge. That's like harakiri
<peepsalot> i guess they are talking about situations like this? square(); translate([1,1]) square();
<OlivierChafik[m]> cube yes
<OlivierChafik[m]> oh yes in 2d although not sure if openmesh handles that too
<OlivierChafik[m]> but cube(1); translate([1, 1, 0]) cube(1); has an edge with 4 incident faces
<OlivierChafik[m]> it defies some of their concepts of "opposite halfedge"
<OlivierChafik[m]> (there are 4 halves in that case :D )
<OlivierChafik[m]> The nef introduces crazy abstractions to resolve those cases and know what's inside this mess of incoming faces and what's outside
<peepsalot> yeah i don't see mention of non-manifold edges yet :P
<OlivierChafik[m]> I think it's possible to get by by not merging the edges, or in the opposite direction, by duplicating them (just like CGAL has functions to duplicate non-manifold vertices)
<OlivierChafik[m]> peepsalot: Gotta go sleep but I'd love to chat more about how to make the geometry more generic.
<OlivierChafik[m]> I think generally the entry point can be the CGALUtils::{get,create}*FromGeometry, which can special-case easy conversions and fallback to just converting the geom->toPolySet()
<OlivierChafik[m]> Also, I've done quite a bit of faffing with the tree-rewriting ideas and various versions of multithreaded computations and somehow haven't run into visible racing conditions.
<OlivierChafik[m]> But it's really challenging to keep the cores busy, depending on the tree structure
<OlivierChafik[m]> (usually getting a blip of 6-core activity for a couple seconds then quickly hitting the critical path on a couple of cores, then one)
<peepsalot> yeah, unless singular boolean operations can be broken into sub problems. multithreading is kinda tough
<peepsalot> I guess we just need a "(1/(2N))-edge" data structure
<OlivierChafik[m]> hahaha
<OlivierChafik[m]> another lib that's mentioned on the twitter thread: https://github.com/tysonbrochu/eltopo
<peepsalot> only half joking :)
<OlivierChafik[m]> (pushed my current tree rewrite ramblings in https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4151 as draft PR)
<OlivierChafik[m]> peepsalot: wonder if we can have Surface_mesh to agree to this. Looks like corefinement accepts `cube(1); translate([1, 1, 0]) cube(1);` so the mesh it produces must have duplicate edges, each with their pair of legit half-edges.
<OlivierChafik[m]> We'd probably need some import algorithm that ensures we create such duplicated edges and leave the mesh to that fake manifoldness (or maybe it's considered real manifoldness so long as you have duplicated vertices and edges)
<OlivierChafik[m]> Alright, good night guys!
<peepsalot> gn
<OlivierChafik[m]> (omg just saw he wrote a morton index-based collider: https://elalish.github.io/manifold/classmanifold_1_1_collider.html ; #iwant )
<peepsalot> btw i get this from your cube example if I force a union: WARNING: [fast-csg] Corefinement corefinement mesh union failed
<OlivierChafik[m]> (oh, right, not sure why I didn't see that, cache playing tricks on my mind i guess)
<peepsalot> does that mean it falls back to nef?
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<peepsalot> OlivierChafik[m]: btw i noticed there are alot more "*cgal*" source files from your recent efforts. it would be nice if we started to structure our src directory better, like having all cgal specific stuff in its own subdir
<peepsalot> i know there wasn't really any structure to begin with, so I don't blame you for just continuing with how things have gone, but I'd like to start making an effort towards a more manageable source tree
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<J4l13n> Hi, I would like to do a twist with a circle that decreases as it goes ,  linear_extrude(height = 10, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = -500)
<J4l13n> translate([2, 0, 0])
<J4l13n> circle(r = 1);
<J4l13n> exemple the circle on the top = 10 en 1 a the end of twist
<J4l13n> is it possible ?
<teepee> there's also a scale parameter
<teepee> but it scales relative to origin, so it might not be what you need
<J4l13n> I tried :  linear_extrude(height = 10,scale=[1,0.1],  center = true, convexity = 10, twist = -500)
<J4l13n> translate([2, 0, 0])
<J4l13n> circle(r = 1);
<J4l13n> but not good
<teepee> then you may need to use one of the libraries allowing some sort of sweep operation
<peepsalot> J4l13n: $fs=0.1; $fa = 1; linear_extrude(height=10, scale=0.1, center=true, convexity=10, twist=-500)translate([2, 0]) circle(r = 1);
<peepsalot> perhaps you didn't mean to do non-uniform scaling?
<peepsalot> scale when given a vector is not [begin_scale,end_scale] but [xscale, yscale]
<teepee> ah, good point
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<J4l13n>  $fs=0.1; $fa = 1; linear_extrude(height=10, scale=0.1, center=true, convexity=10, twist=-500)translate([2, 0]) circle(r = 1);
<J4l13n> look good for me
<J4l13n> thank you peepsalot
<teepee> just for completeness, an example for more complicated stuff -> https://github.com/revarbat/BOSL2/wiki/skin.scad
<teepee> but if linear_extrude() works, that's great :)
<peepsalot> btw I set $fs based on the size of your model, but if your actual model is much larger than r=1 etc, then you may want to increase $fs to 0.5 or 1 to keep it from being too many faces/vertices
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<J4l13n>  ok i will try different settings
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<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee: such an unbelievably cool library!
<teepee> I did not have the time to really have a look, but it sounds neat
<teepee> c++20 is a bit ambitious though :)
<teepee> did you see what operations it supports so far?
<OlivierChafik[m]> c++20: if (auto foo = bar(); foo && otherCondition) { ... }
<teepee> sorry, the question was not related to c++20 :)
<teepee> I meant the csg operations, so would it be a full option? it sounds like it was designed to cover what openscad uses
<J2234> https://pasteboard.co/37hEzgVeCfmG.png  using an asymmetric point distribution for NACA profiles  could save some..
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<teepee> yep, lots of vertices on one side :)
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<J2234> if you use a even distribution the nose  will have a sharp edge or you end up with 500+ points
<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee: do you mean the manifold library? should be easy to plug the core csg operations yes
<OlivierChafik[m]> we'd just need to make the entry points / conversion from polyset / results of extrude, hull and minkowski watertight if they aren't already
<teepee> yep, the manifold library
<teepee> the interesting point might be dependencies, if those are required
<OlivierChafik[m]> peepsalot: agree some order would be nice... maybe a cgal folder?
<OlivierChafik[m]> (meanwhile, I'm still trying to convince myself the apparent T-junctions in https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4117#issuecomment-1053731672 are real, and wondering why they'd result in CGAL saying the mesh is closed
<OlivierChafik[m]> (it all looks legit and challenges my newly-acquired convictions about Surface_mesh :'-( )
<OlivierChafik[m]> Ooh now I get where the c++20 is coming from haha
<teepee> it would be nice to have an option for "existing" stuff :)
<teepee> c++17 is pretty much on the table just now
<peepsalot> OlivierChafik[m]: yes i think a src/cgal would be a good start
<peepsalot> i'm just hesitant to do it myself since you are the one touching those files so much lately
<peepsalot> OlivierChafik[m]: do you know what i mean about degenerate triangles in that comment? a zero area triangle could topologically close up a mesh while appearing to have a t junction
<peepsalot> that's my current hunch of whats happening, i just don't know if such 0 area tris can cause further problems when passed to subsequent CGAL ops
<OlivierChafik[m]> Oh right, absolutely!
<OlivierChafik[m]> Hadn't understood that until now haha
<OlivierChafik[m]> I'm filing a detailed bug / question to cgal now
<OlivierChafik[m]> mmh so maybe the triangles aren't degenerate but "almost" degenerate haha
<OlivierChafik[m]> yeah zooming in to the extreme shows some weirdness there
<OlivierChafik[m]> one one side, a T isn't a T https://pasteboard.co/g167q0yg2L8m.png
<OlivierChafik[m]> on the other side, it's not a T either haha https://pasteboard.co/iA8wnpf5bOCu.png
<OlivierChafik[m]> I'm afraid the proper fix is exact numbers in the transforms, transform exact Surface_meshes instead of polysets
<OlivierChafik[m]> also I've tried to add some tolerance in coplanar checks but then it messes the retriangulation I'm using so far, I'll have to use another one. Will keep this for later if we want.
<peepsalot> hmm, how are you even zooming that close? GL casts down from double to float btw, so depending on zoom level, it could be just the graphics incapable of representing a double based mesh
<OlivierChafik[m]> I think if it were watertight it would still converge to the same point. And I used the other day's trick of double clicking + zoom on mouse setting haha
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<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee: the remesh PR is ready again (https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4117). I've added a gruesome fixed-ordering to ensure I start walking around each patch from its "smallest" vertex, so the tests should now pass (some vms in the previous run seems to have hung for like 2h, not sure if that's a transient issue? but some tests did pass).
<OlivierChafik[m]> I'm also doing less coplanar tests than before, using the processedFaces bookkeeping as proof that the current patch can't be coplanar with a previously processed face (otherwise it would have globbed us into its own patch already).
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<OlivierChafik[m]> peepsalot: mmh so in the light of this, not sure it's a bug in corefinement / can't be an actual T junction. The mesh is really in "good shape" as far as CGAL checks can tell. Here's the repro: https://gist.github.com/ochafik/61568f7f547bc67a0f2ecec8ad5f9ce6
<OlivierChafik[m]> (I'm getting the hang of self-contained repro cases for CGAL haha)
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<teepee> yeah, sometimes the builds get stuck, probably swapping when hitting a bad combination of cgal templates compiling in parallel
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