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<linext> no big deal
<linext> actually, i forget if i've already done it be for mylabyrinthlab.com
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<linext> a way to mount a bltouch sensor beneath the effector platform of a delta printer
<linext> while leaving the hotend in place
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<J22> peepsalot   git  deleted some of my "contribution count"  -  can this be related to your renaming of files/moving ?
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<peepsalot> J22: what count is that?
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<peepsalot> whatever you're seeing, I doubt it is related to my changes. so far only the moving of GUI related files has been merged to master. and either way it does not rewrite or delete history
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<J22> Sorry my bad  ..  turned out i was signed out ..  and some contributions are obviously not public ..  so  my activity pattern changed
<peepsalot> ok, glad you figured it out ;)
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<Scopeuk> why does git hubs stl viewer have scroll up to zoom out, that's madness!
<Scopeuk> linext its a cool looking part for some reason it heavily reminds me of a faction icon from a video game, I just can't remember which one
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<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee: scratching my head at all the licenses at play in openscad. COPYING says GPLv2 (w/ an exception to link w/ CGAL), CGAL mostly says GPLv3 (some bits are in LGPLv3 but not what we seem to use) and our openscad.appdata.xml.in says GPL-3.0+. Should we/can we just pick GPLv3 (or GPLv2+)?
<OlivierChafik[m]> * pick GPLv3+ (or
<OlivierChafik[m]> Ugh, and we link w/ GNU MP (dual LGPLv3 & GPLv2) and MPFR (LGPLv3+).
<OlivierChafik[m]> But... LGPLv3 isn't compatible with GPLv2 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.en.html#:~:text=Please%20note%20that%20GPLv2%20is,to%20make%20the%20desired%20combination.)
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<OlivierChafik[m]> From what I can read the code is actually GPLv2 "or later" so can be distributed along with all the rest as GPLv3+
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<teepee> yes, the final application is gplv3+
<teepee> and that's also the reason why we can't accept any gpl2 or gpl3 code (without the +)
<teepee> lgpl is not an issue as it's compatible with any
<OlivierChafik[m]> Looks like OpenCSG is still GPLv2, I've asked them if they could add the +
<OlivierChafik[m]> I didn't realize there were such incompatibilities until recently
<teepee> ohmy, it has a CGAL exception
<OlivierChafik[m]> yes, but.. not an mpfr exception
<OlivierChafik[m]> (and mpfr has moved to LGPLv3+
<teepee> yeah, anything without the + is a problem, the only exception being the linux kernel
<OlivierChafik[m]> ok got it
<OlivierChafik[m]> thanks :-)
<teepee> I've never looked at the older stuff, that existed before I got involved
<teepee> did you mail florian?
<OlivierChafik[m]> yes mail@opencsg.org
<OlivierChafik[m]> happy to cc you if I can find your email haha
<teepee> it's in every commit :)
<OlivierChafik[m]> touché!
<OlivierChafik[m]> cc'd you
<teepee> thanks, good catch, lets see what he'll answer
<OlivierChafik[m]> Hopefully he doesn't need to involve his institute to just add a + (or they have existing procedures)
<OlivierChafik[m]> In the meantime, I'm now half-happy the playground doesn't have OpenCSG yet. Just spent hours writing that massive licenses file and I'm pretty sure it's gonna miss some stuff still
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<OlivierChafik[m]> (ugh, I forgot the emscripten license)
<teepee> debian claims for openscad: License: GPL-2+ with CGAL exception
<teepee> not sure where that comes from, maybe it was changed
<OlivierChafik[m]> FYI mpfr has been under LGPLv3 since 2010 https://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.0.0/
<teepee> hopefully opencsg is the only problem, grepping through stuff seems to indicate that might be the case
<OlivierChafik[m]> fingers crossed
<teepee> worst case we have to replace with something like https://realtimecsg.com/ :D
<teepee> should be fine in a couple of years ;-)
<OlivierChafik[m]> can we compile C# to WASM?
<teepee> not sure if llvm supports c# it might
<teepee> uh, what? C# > IL > C++ > LLVM > asm.js
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<OlivierChafik[m]> on the email thread @kintel was mentioning his csg WebGL port attempt as well
<OlivierChafik[m]> hahaha at that stage let's just use OpenCASCADE
<OlivierChafik[m]> And it works wonders in the browser
<teepee> the realtime csg stuff seems even more powerful, but the paper is not exactly easy to follow
<J22> if openSCAD would work for unity would be cool ..  at the moment you have to take a detour via Blender
<teepee> J22: what would that mean?
<J22> isn't  the realtimescg a unity plugin ?
<J22> openSCAD can't export as  obj  and  the UV mappings are missing
<teepee> yes, that's the current implementation
<OlivierChafik[m]> yes looks like it
<teepee> but there's a gdc video and a paper explaining how it works
<OlivierChafik[m]> > openSCAD can't export as obj and the UV mappings are missing
<OlivierChafik[m]> I want to get back to testing assimp + OpenSCAD, maybe we get .obj for free then https://assimp-docs.readthedocs.io/en/v5.1.0/
<OlivierChafik[m]> Not sure what's needed for UV coords though
<OlivierChafik[m]> (Assuming .obj is "Wavefront Object")
<teepee> yes, I think that's the one
<J22> not sure but i think it would be enough to have the faces as UV mapping - which isn't great but enough to work
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: not sure yet what that means but happy to give it a go
<J22> but without any UV mapping you can't use it
<J22> UV mapping is so a renderer or game engine can put textures on the object .. it is like a 2D map that is unwrapped from the object
<J22> ideal if it is connected ..  so it is seamless but if it is each face separated  - still works
<OlivierChafik[m]> so do we need to project a uv square [0,1]x[0,1] onto the entire surface?
<OlivierChafik[m]> by face you mean entire surface of a solid?
<teepee> usually it's a randomly shaped 2d shape that's mapped
<J22> for a cube this is the "net"  but  for complex geometry you get distortions .. blender is doing a nice job with smart UV here
<teepee> yeah, the difficult part is to not stretch parts too much so the textures are not getting distorted
<OlivierChafik[m]> how about... let's not solve this problem ourselves :-D
<teepee> that sounds like a good plan
<J22> when i tried to import geometry from SCAD  the problem was that there wasn't any UV information defined - so  nothing worked
<OlivierChafik[m]> I'm really bad at adding dependencies but I guess I'll learn... will try assimp now
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: I've repeatedly failed to learn Blender, so any basic instructions to reproduce what doesn't work would help (even better, some command line)
<J22> afaik 3mf also can use  UV mapping   ( but 3mf is not supported by unity at least for now)
<othx> teepee linked to YouTube video "Blender Beginner UV Unwrapping Tutorial (Chair Part 7)" => 1 IRC mentions
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22 btw, I've bundled ub.scad into https://ochafik.com/openscad :-)
<J22> oh cool Ü
<teepee> we need to automate that :) J22 is updating the library daily
<OlivierChafik[m]> hah, noted!
<OlivierChafik[m]> One option that needs a bit more work is to use isomorphic-git clone & update in local storage, but needs a git proxy.
<J22> β22|007 Ü
<teepee> is it possible to load the libraries from files.openscad.org?
<teepee> e.g. what has cors to say?
<OlivierChafik[m]> yeah not possible from ochafik.com (unless files.openscad.org set specific CORS headers to that effect)
<OlivierChafik[m]> but once the playground is there that's cool
<teepee> oh, mail
<teepee> hmm, not mentioning the + is scary :(
<J22> hmm can't get anything working not even Example(name="test");
<teepee> I would have thought the cors headers would need to be set on the main site?
<teepee> like "allow: files.openscad.org"?
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: sorry I broke the site, should be better now
<teepee> for headers on the server I would need to talk to kintel, but that's possible I think
<J22> (and for sure not Example(name="Olivier"));
<J22> ok now it is working ( the Example easteregg  renders for ever but  this is  just for fun anyway)
<teepee> what's the include?
<OlivierChafik[m]> include <ub.scad>
<OlivierChafik[m]> Zylinder(h=10, r=10, a=.5, lambda=4);
<teepee> oh, just ub.scad
<OlivierChafik[m]> yeah I mount a gazillion zip files in a lazy sub-filesystems, then symlink either the zip as a folder, or in some cases like ub.scad, a specific file inside the zip
<OlivierChafik[m]> BrowserFS is amazing
<J22> oh and colors are not implemented  ( sorry for critics -  great job to get it working so far - its amazing! )
<OlivierChafik[m]> I'm doing this for the fonts too so they're not using too much ram unless used
<OlivierChafik[m]> yes this is actually just the STL rendering
<OlivierChafik[m]> I enabled lazy-union by default to save some ops
<OlivierChafik[m]> (I might resume the tree-rewrite experiments soon too https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4151 )
<J22> nice https://pasteboard.co/LTDB0LtMs97M.png  ..  can i stop the rotation?
<teepee> checkbox :)
<teepee> and reload I guess
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: on mobile in "interact mode" just double tap on the model to start/stop rotation; on desktop you also have a rotate checkbox
<OlivierChafik[m]> oh shit the checkbox is broken haha, a reload shouldn't have been needed
<teepee> testing... tinyurl.com/4xeb4zzj
<J22> yeah i unchecked it but nothing happened .. maybe it is too slow with the "scenes" from example
<OlivierChafik[m]> double click should work anyway
<OlivierChafik[m]> no it's just I forgot to update some state. Ctrl+R to reload, or double click/tap to start/stop
<OlivierChafik[m]> > testing... tinyurl.com/4xeb4zzj
<OlivierChafik[m]> * > testing... tinyurl.com/4xeb4zzj
<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee cool!
<J22> yes stopped now Ü ..  teepee  nice model !
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<J22> the lave pit from Example();  looks not the same without colors Ü   https://pasteboard.co/DfKYLAYAoB8p.png
<J22> teepee  oh a taser Ü
<J22> have one of these  1€  china sets
<OlivierChafik[m]> Do we support any export file format with colors?
<OlivierChafik[m]> with https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4151 I can let colors of lazy-unioned bodies bubble up to the top so we can export them cleanly
<OlivierChafik[m]> but ideally we'd just have some OpenCSG-like interactive view that supports colors
<J22> hmm they got  much more expensive https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07WF82GQD/
<J22> OlivierChafik[m] 3mf suports vertex color
<J22> but  SCAD didn't export the color into
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<teepee> at this point, only CSG "exports" color
<teepee> amf and 3mf support color in the format, off too I think
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: good to know, and cool example haha
<teepee> but I suppose only 3mf is really interesting
<OlivierChafik[m]> color export for other formats only makes sense now that we have lazy-union (or tree-rewrite, which is lazy across transforms and colors, precisely)
<teepee> why? it makes sense without too, if there's a way to preserve the information
<OlivierChafik[m]> oh you mean per face, sure!
<teepee> there was even an old branch doing that, IIRC using a different engine, carve?
<OlivierChafik[m]> it's gonna be quite a bit of work though, and will be slower. We need to keep color attributes in the surface_mesh for instance
<peepsalot> teepee: did you see my comment/question yesterday about the file renaming? I'm on the fence whether its more important 1) to minimize number of merges of wide sweeping changes like this OR 2) that the PR is already is a reasonably merge-able state, and its nice to have PR which focus on a single thing at a time
<OlivierChafik[m]> (then decide what happens to subtracted faces)
<OlivierChafik[m]> oooh, more engines??
<OlivierChafik[m]> haha
<teepee> not really, carve is fast, but not as stable, it's the old blender thing
<J22> OlivierChafik[m] thanks .. i think i have 10+ levels which randomize with randomized scenes .. you never get the same "game" twice
<peepsalot> also I just updated the PR with a big comment to explain some of the points which I felt were important
<teepee> peepsalot: no, friday is getting up early day :)
<teepee> yeah, just saw the mail notification
<teepee> ah, file names and CamelCase
<peepsalot> yep
<teepee> I think from git perspective location move and file naming is really just the same
<teepee> so if it's not introducing a huge amount of actual content changes, it's probably fine to combine
<teepee> if the #include changes anyway, I don't see a huge win to separate and have it change twice
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: omg so so cool haha! an interactive game in OpenSCAD!!
<OlivierChafik[m]> we need to make it work on the web
<teepee> yeah, I've never understood the *node.h mismatch (just followed it lemming style when adding stuff)
<J22> OlivierChafik[m]   to bad i can't store any variable to carry into the next refresh so either random or i had to work with codes..  ( the best is how it is hidden in the code as single line camouflaged  in a  pseudo module )
<teepee> I suppose we need global time, like shadertoy has
<OlivierChafik[m]> Oh wow, shadertoy! https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MsySD3
<OlivierChafik[m]> (takes a while to load, wonder if it's wasm)
<teepee> should be all glsl shaders
<teepee> the crazy stuff is from iq
<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: your lib is so large, I'm sure there's a gazillion other tricks you've hidden there. Maybe we need an OpenSCAD Conf to present these things :-D
<teepee> also evvvil - not sure about the number of v's ;-)
<OlivierChafik[m]> iq?
<OlivierChafik[m]> oh users there
<teepee> Inigo Quilez - aka the god of gpu shaders or so
<OlivierChafik[m]> crazy indeed
<teepee> ok, so 4 v's :)
<teepee> so evvvvil and floppine live coding shaders is just amazing to watch
<teepee> may even happen soon again, if there's another revision party
<OlivierChafik[m]> wow, I'd love to watch that
<OlivierChafik[m]> evvvvil seems to leave lots of comments on their code too
<J22> first there were demos on  small systems .. even calculator or Tamagotchi   --  then we had these  pre render a 500mb memory from a 65k code file .. and now everything running in a browser
<J22> i like to use  openSCAD to make pupils understand how demos works   .. and how  kkrieger  can have only 65k
<teepee> yeah, it's maybe a bit more approachable than glsl shaders
<J22> i loved  "Farbrausch"
<teepee> but shaders from some people are just so cool, let me find that (8k?) demo with extra cool music
<othx> teepee linked to YouTube video "q(n)=2k15 - hArDy/TRSi | Revision 2015 | 8k | 60fps" => 1 IRC mentions
<teepee> 5 minutes animation + sound in 8k binary which is like 5% the size of a screenshot
<J22> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Vguvli1Y0k    think magellan was one of the latest (and this is over 10years)
<othx> J22 linked to YouTube video "Farbrausch - fr-063: Magellan" => 1 IRC mentions
<J22> but was when chaos sets and particle animation were possible
<J22> (animated fractal geometry)
<OlivierChafik[m]> mindblowing!!
<teepee> 2010!
<J22> just found there are still new ones   made with https://cables.gl/
<othx> J22 linked to YouTube video "5711 & Farbrausch - fr-099: Aphelion (final version, 2160p)" => 1 IRC mentions
<J22> the amazing part is that the sound is also coded ..  some also used vocalizer to have vocals without the need of store a recording
<othx> teepee linked to YouTube video "Revision 2019 - Compo - PC 64K Intro" => 1 IRC mentions
<teepee> not printable, but amazing to watch :D
<teepee> ...and listen to
<OlivierChafik[m]> 🤯
<OlivierChafik[m]> I feel like I've been living in the wrong cave for the past 10 years haha
<teepee> right, in about a month then https://2022.revision-party.net/
<teepee> well, it's easy to remember as it's always the easter weekend :)
<othx> J22 linked to YouTube video "Revision Online 2020 - Compo - PC 4K Intro" => 1 IRC mentions
<J22> there is amazing things with the 256b  files from a coding perspective .. but i like the bigger demos for visual and audio
<OlivierChafik[m]> > I would have thought the cors headers would need to be set on the main site?
<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee sorry I missed that. I think it's the opposite, a site serving some resource needs to declare it's cool with other sites embedding / querying it
<OlivierChafik[m]> like "allow: files.openscad.org"?
<OlivierChafik[m]> > right, in about a month then https://2022.revision-party.net/
<OlivierChafik[m]> Added to my cal... could be a good weekend to do some OpenSCAD video meetup too :-)
<teepee> interesting, more reasons to get a new server eventually
<teepee> yeah, while technically very interesting, those 256b things are often just crazy
<J22> btw - YT  demo experience  is not comparable to the real thing  due to the compression..
<teepee> the sweet spot seems to be 8k or 64k
<teepee> yeah, watching live is even worse :)
<teepee> compression wise
<OlivierChafik[m]> Haha I hope I never fall into that hobby, but looking forward to seeing how it's done
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<OlivierChafik[m]> (already struggling enough as it is to keep away from my laptop)
<J22> when you download a  65k file via a modem .. and the got a full  8min film with sound in HD or as high as you want
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<teepee> unfortunately those usually require both windows and a high end graphics card
<teepee> something not usually seen here in the last 20 years ;-)
<teepee> well, actually never to be honest
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<OlivierChafik[m]> J22: rotation fixed, thanks for reporting ;-)
<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee: I had a decent card on Linux for a week 19 years ago. Then it started malfunctioning :-(
<J22> i think the demoscene wouldn't  have started without the limitation of memory  and processing power
<J22> (and sure removing passwords and hacking  games/software)
<teepee> and the VIC chips amazing defects :)
<teepee> OlivierChafik[m]: one week is really unlucky
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<J22> i wonder if we should submit an SCAD file for revision2022 - Ü
<teepee> I had a quite powerful sound card, but that was never really supported, so also a bad choice at the time
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<teepee> J22: hehe, in the wild compo, everything goes, people have submitted kc85 entries
<OlivierChafik[m]> yeah maybe my power supply wasn't good or something... anyway, I guess I wasn't made to become a gamer
<teepee> which is old east germany z80 based home computer
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<OlivierChafik[m]> I spent (wasted) so much time fiddling with webcam driver sources :-(
<OlivierChafik[m]> > never really supported
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<OlivierChafik[m]> Then when I got my first salary I bought a mac
<J22> haha ..  well  the playback would be terrible if not exported as png and mp4ed  -  but hat would take some minutes
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<teepee> right, I'm not sure that's still in the bounds of the wild compo, but it might be
<J22> OlivierChafik[m]  the RTX card i got for VR  (for pupils)  was also one of that you switched on and everytime the resolution was lower and lower
<J22> due to some memory issues they had with those in the beginning
<J22> - so normally you should get a replacement
<OlivierChafik[m]> ouch, yeah I can't remember why I didn't have it replaced tbh. Bought it cheap and it was working okay for like half an hour each time then acting funny
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<J22> i remember when i bought my Voodoo card  .. and then they stopped supporting them
<OlivierChafik[m]> speaking of hardware, I'm unhealthily excited by the new M1++ machines from apple. Anyone got one? I wonder how quickly it compiles OpenSCAD :-D
<OlivierChafik[m]> ouch, tough
<peepsalot> is there a way to copy a file with git, similar to "git mv", so for example you could split a file in two, while keeping history in both new files?
<OlivierChafik[m]> wow, it had memory chips you could almost solder by hand haha
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<peepsalot> for example i'd like to split out file function.h, which declares class BuiltinFunction, class UserFunction, and struct CallableUserFunction
<teepee> peepsalot: I have not seen anything in that regard
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<teepee> I switched back from MacBookPro to Dell :)
<peepsalot> teepee: should I just rename it Function.h and be done with it? or leave it as is, since there's no clear single class name it corresponds to?
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<OlivierChafik[m]> teepee: oh! a happy move?
<peepsalot> teepee: similarly for module.h too: class AbstractModule, class BuiltinModule, struct InstantiableModule
<teepee> peepsalot: yeah, maybe one of those cases you mentioned in the PR that could be revisited
<teepee> OlivierChafik[m]: I've always ran Debian, so the plus side is the way better support
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<OlivierChafik[m]> ooooh yeah linux on mac, must have been interesting
<OlivierChafik[m]> I'm only warming up to debian now on RPi tbh
<OlivierChafik[m]> used to be on ubuntu
<teepee> my point of view is "whatever works" :)
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<teepee> and I'm using Debian for literal centuries now
<teepee> I may have a Debian 1.3 CD somewhere, burned when still being at the University
<juri_> try decades.
<teepee> you are so correct
<juri_> :D
<teepee> just imagine I said that
<teepee> also hello juri_ :)
<juri_> teepee: always glad to be here when you're wrong. :)
<teepee> always good to have someone to fix bugs
<juri_> just writing more property tests atm.
<teepee> for the slicer?
<juri_> yep.
<juri_> property test driven development. because this wasn't hard enough to start with.
<J22> hmm  using it bevor 2000 was even a different Millennia or?
<teepee> what's the "property" part specifically?
<teepee> I know test driven, but I don't think I've heard about property tests
<juri_> teepee: property tests are tests where you basically fuzz your codebase. think "every square, no matter size or angle, has four sides"
<juri_> then you keep digging. "every square has no straight divides" "every square is covered by four faces"...
<teepee> aha, interesting
<juri_> you write a function that takes random inputs, and makes squares.. then you run the tests.
<teepee> it does sound a bit like an endlessly deep alice rabbit hole
<teepee> but I suppose fuzzing has already proven to be very effective
<juri_> it finds the DEEP bugs for you.
<juri_> your right, it's a pretty deep rabit hole. i've gone to "every rectangle" "every quad with two right angles", and am now at "every quad with at least 1 right angle".
<juri_> I'm more suspicious when i implement a test and don't find bugs, than when i implement a test and find a lot of them.
<juri_> pentagons are going to be fun.. because i'll have to implement tscherne's algorithm.
<teepee> oops, first google hit is some medicine stuff
<teepee> well, not google, the duck
<juri_> ah, try 'christopher tscherne'
<teepee> haha "Christopher Tscherne - Real Estate Agent in Middle Village ..."
<teepee> maybe that's one of those case that do need google
<juri_> ok, cristopher tscherne straight skeleton
<juri_> :)
<juri_> a really good paper in the field.
<teepee> thanks, otherwise it's all about foot injuries
<teepee> hmpf: " Leider ist dieses Dokument aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nur von den Rechnern innerhalb des Campus der TU-Graz im Volltext zugänglich. Genauere Informationen finden Sie in den Benutzungsbedingungen "
<teepee> only available inside TU-Graz
<juri_> maybe it wants the location?
<teepee> oh, indeed, that works
<juri_> yeah. halfway through reading that, i realized that the properties he's abusing allow one to break the problem into parallelizable chunks.
<juri_> i implemented that, but haven't completed implementing his algorithm itsself.
<OlivierChafik[m]> juri_: looks fascinating! does that work in 3d too?
<juri_> yep!
<juri_> I'm going to be using it for 3+3D printing.
<juri_> I'll still have to implement another algorithm for loop handling, but...
<juri_> this should speed up, and parallelize skeleton generation.
<OlivierChafik[m]> what do you mean by 3+3D?
<juri_> 3 linear (normal), 3 rotational.
<juri_> so, not layers on layers, but crazy sideways stuff.
<OlivierChafik[m]> ooooh, like with a rotating head?
<juri_> yep.
<OlivierChafik[m]> (can you print over objects then?)
<juri_> I've been working on this for a couple of years, now. this is the year, i swear. ;)
<OlivierChafik[m]> sounds amazing!
<OlivierChafik[m]> did you already share any prototypes?
<juri_> it's not there yet. :)
<OlivierChafik[m]> hope the year delivers all you hope ;-)_
<juri_> i'm still getting stumped by small things.. which is why i'm fuzzing and property testing. i've found that as a programmer, i keep implementing "rigged demos". i want a tool. :)
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<OlivierChafik[m]> I see!
<juri_> I've got it slicing more complicated shapes. no holes in shapes yet, but it can handle dividing a contour into three parts, proving the mathematical property i thought i saw.
<juri_> i basically rigged everything until i could prove i was sane. now i'm drawing the rest of the owl. ;)
<juri_> I didn't "just" do the math, either. i actually got my code to spawn three threads for the three problems. :D
<OlivierChafik[m]> hehe, you're reminding me that my fast-csg-remesh still doesn't handle faces with holes... need to try using https://github.com/openscad/openscad/blob/master/src/cgalutils-tess.cc
<OlivierChafik[m]> sounds like a super ambitious project, is it just you?
<juri_> yep. hense, two years. ;)
<OlivierChafik[m]> hehe, keep going!
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