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<dalias> wow, someone implemented a usable marching cubes for sdf in openscad
<InPhase> Within-language?
<InPhase> Ambitious.
<ccox_> wow
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<dalias> inphase, yes
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<InPhase> dalias: Seems to be a bit buggy.
<InPhase> Impressive, but has some bug buried in it somewhere. It doesn't render, and in Thrown Together one corner is inside out.
<dalias> yeah
<dalias> i didnt play with it much yet because you kinda need to make a library of basic functions and functions to compose them
<dalias> and it's pretty slow
<dalias> really the only compelling reason to do this is if you want the SDF-defined objects to be parameterized in a way that interacts with the scad code
<dalias> otherwise there are better tools written in python, go, etc. to do meshes from sdf much faster, which you could then import()
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<ccox_> it worked decently in 2021.01 for me
<ccox_> oops, except for F6 - mesh is not closed. Marching cubes tends to generate separate triangles, not a full mesh unless you are very, very careful with the bookkeeping.
<ccox_> (but I last worked with the idea back in the early 90s)
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<J2269> if setting sub to 5 (or higher) you see the open sides
<ccox_> yep. ouch.
<ccox_> looks like it's just on the borders of the volume, might be fixable.
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<J2269> show 'n tell ⇒  sanding stick/pen https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/151915-eco-schleifstift
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<buZz> J2269: fyi, prusaslicer works for any printer that takes gcode
<buZz> i have no clue why he forked it and not just improved upstream
<buZz> dickmove to me , but meh
<buZz> they would have made a -better- name for themselves by just posting publicly that they are improving slic3r , and not just fork away
<buZz> otoh, slic3r development was idle for a while
<buZz> https://github.com/slic3r/Slic3r/commits/master <- not very active last couple yrs
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<teepee> yep, same with marlin too
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<poisond> hey ^^ I'm trying to create a "channel" around an object, but I have no idea how to do it: https://pastebin.com/raw/HCSHPhk2
<poisond> is there a way to rotate a 2d object for linear_extrude?
<poisond> since rotate_extrude doesn't seem to have a parameter to achieve the same effect as twist
<InPhase> poisond: Are you trying to make threads, or some other generic spiral?
<InPhase> s/spiral/helix/
<poisond> InPhase: yeah, basically a channel for an LED strip around a cylinder
<InPhase> This library has good support for this type of pattern: https://github.com/rcolyer/closepoints
<InPhase> You would use the ClosePoints call rather than CloseLoop, but an LED strip channel would otherwise be fairly similar to that roller coaster track, just without the warped structure, and instead just rising in z as it goes.
<InPhase> So you outline the cross-section with 3D points like is done there, then apply the RotZ and Translate matrices to get the helical shape.
<poisond> InPhase: thanks, gonna give it a try :)
<InPhase> What you're attempting is indeed a feature hole in what linear_extrude and rotate_extrude provide, which ends up left as a feature hole because it has trickier edge cases.
<InPhase> The ClosePoints library is a lot more flexible, but also makes avoiding the edge cases (like self-intersection) your responsibility. :)
<J2269> buZz  sure my thought is that prussa is testing prucaslicer only on prussa printers  - and they become more and more special like with the XL or the MMU ..
<buZz> those arent really special , and most MMU users abandoned it :P
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<J22> maybe it is just the "me view"  .. if i would make a slicer - i am pretty sure it wouldn't run with conventional printers Ü
<buZz> prusaslicer comes with ender3 profiles etc
<buZz> lemme see if i can show you
<J22> i just assume the "other printer" community is bigger on cura
<buZz> the ultimaker product? :)
<J22> at least i know i can not share my gcode on prussa
<buZz> i'd never share a design in .gcode
<buZz> doesnt make a lot of sense to me :)
<J22> prussa is a fan of that ..  and besides the filesize it is not a bad idea if everybody has a purssa printer
<buZz> yeah its fine if you want to fill a website with stuff nobody can use :P
<J22> it is a bit like PDF  .. so you can share a design that will exit the internet nearly exact as intendet
<buZz> yeah , if not all monitors worked the same :P
<J22> the big problem in 3D printing is that if i make a part that can  be used for like a shelf from IKEA  ..  and someone print this without infill and only one perimeter .. Well the reason why companies are very careful with offering design files
<J22> nobody care if one monitor has a bigger picture .. but there is color calibration for designer or photographs  and  DTP
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<poisond> gcode is really the wrong format for interchange. Maybe someone will come up with an stl extension with metadata for desired parameters.
<buZz> poisond: doesnt 3mf have that?
<buZz> J22: many companies do offer 3d design files
<poisond> buZz: true ^^
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<J22> buZz yeah but not for structural  parts .. so more like  the things  that are not critical
<buZz> J22: many products arent even produced for structural integrity
<buZz> just crap you buy every year
<J22> .. you know how good something is if there are no replacement parts on  thingiverse
<J22> poisond ..  an easy way to create the helix is a chained hull
<poisond> found a helix_extrude library ^^ but thanks J22
<buZz> cant remember what company was spamming on thingiverse
<buZz> indeed
<buZz> thats one of em
<poisond> It'd be great if every company did that kind of spamming :)
<J22> at least these are done by industrial designers  and not some hobby tinkerer where you never know
<buZz> like yourself? :D
<J22> i also love NASA 3D-Designs
<buZz> nothing nice though
<J22> some upload designs that were never tested or printed and simply don't work
<buZz> myminifactory rejects uploads without a print foto
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<J22> and you need some knowledge to evaluate if a design is physical sound
<buZz> i guess
<buZz> or just use it and see if it breaks
<buZz> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<buZz> not everything in life is so black&white
<buZz> for a 'selfmod' you dont really need to warrant anything
<J22> for most things it doesn't matter  -  and  it is not so different of shitty designed products you buy in a store
<buZz> but i agree, ppl that upload hooks etc should post how much weight it can hold etc
<J22> buZz  and that is the point - i can tell you that the hook can hold 10kg  .. if you print in PET-G with 3 perimeter at 100% with  20% infill  etc ..  and if the printer is calibrated .. but if e-steps or bad filament ..   that is why a shapeway print is expensive .. it is not good but repeatable
<poisond> buZz: lol, that would be near impossible to specify. "In this specific print with a .4 nozzle with PLA from manufacturer X produced in the year X printed with temp X, infill pattern X, ..."
<J22> I have some designs with only 3 stars because some people have shitty printer and complain that they can not print this
<buZz> J22: hahaha we were trying to abuse shapeways
<buZz> make a thin walled hollow cube with a TINY opening
<buZz> just to trap the powder inside, and get a big volume of it
<buZz> :P
<J22> poisond - and that is where  3mf with print profile (or sharing gcode)  comes  into play
<buZz> gcode wouldnt guarantee anything of that
<poisond> profiles can only cover so much ^^
<J22> not guarantee ..  you would need some DRM in place to control the material  and hardware  (like shapeway printer )
<buZz> xyzprinters also has DRM on material
<J22> imagine a food printer and you select a product but it taste different to when printed at your friend
<buZz> but that DRM doesnt really guarantee much
<J22> fast food company do a lot to make taste  reproducible
<myosotis> tech is changing too fast right now to be worth it
<myosotis> materials too
<J22> like  bon Aqua  - which is just a the main ingredient for coca cola
<J22> because even water tastest different
<J22> ( was in a hotel with 70 different water and a water Sommelier - was super fascinating )
<buZz> fun fact, coca cola isnt uniform
<buZz> practically ever different bottlery of cocacola changes the recipe slightly
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<buZz> 14:42:27 < buZz> fun fact, coca cola isnt uniform
<buZz> 14:42:47 < buZz> practically ever different bottlery of cocacola changes the recipe slightly
<buZz> also on water, the tapwater in my hometown is so good, i'm trying to find someone to bottle/can small amounts of it :P
<buZz> sell on ebay for nuts prices
<buZz> hehe
<J22> bon aqua is tap water .. but  "cleaned" filtered  and then added the minerals in exact amounts .. so they have the same water everywhere without transporting it
<J22> main thing is calcium that changed how your tee  smells (tastes)
<dTal> do not eat your tee, no matter how hungry you are or how much you love golf
<J22> haha  ..  tea ↦ Tee (german)
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<buZz> there's barely any calcium in our groundwater here
<myosotis> I've got just enough to mess up my shower head, but not enough to need a softener
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<J22> buZz so your water is very soft .. more taste .. and need less  surfactants (soap) when washing
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<buZz> yeah its very clean and pure and not gross, barely needs any cleaning from pumping out of the ground just ~1km from here
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<J22> buZz did it work to "steal" powder from shapeways?
<buZz> no :( they optimize small holes away and then just charge you for entire volume
<buZz> booooo
<buZz> i was considering some nested buckets
<buZz> but meh
<J22> hmm  not sure if that would be cheaper then buying powder anyway..  but some siphon design could work
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<peeps[zen]> ooh, i like the new github treeview pane when viewing PR file changes
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<teepee> the what now? :)
<teepee> neat, and going full size is also very good
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