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<teepee> peepsalot: following you note regarding macOS, if you push it to a branch in the openscad repo that ends with "-macos" it will auto-build the macos snapshot too
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<J22> is zlib part of scad ..  have seen a comment about it in the code .. there is a bug
<teepee> right, I've seen that earlier too, using it yes, most installations do shared libs
<teepee> so I guess we need to check the windows builds
<teepee> after MXE is updated
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<gbruno> [github] thehans pushed 7 modifications (Choose new file for detecting top level project dir.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/582eaccc45109f975172d4d1b3047638df181869
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<peepsalot> teepee: do you know what the "libraries" artifact on macos builds is for?
<peepsalot> the .dmg file is self-contained with all dependencies isn't it?
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<teepee> yes, the DMG is everything needed for the application
<teepee> the libraries archive is a cache of dependencies as we have to cache very much to keep below 500 minutes per month
<teepee> earlier it was imported from our file server at the beginning of the build, I think kintel changed that to cache locally at CircleCI now
<teepee> oof
<teepee> 30min build time :(
<teepee> looks like they don't even check that limit
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<myosotis> can setup your own runner?
<myosotis> I use self-hosted gitlab at our org, idk anything about github
<teepee> that would be nice if CircleCI stops working at some point
<teepee> this is talking macos specifically though
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<Scopeuk> it looks like they do offer self host but its a "contact us" job
<Scopeuk> ci for mac appears to be a bit of a pain in general
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<teepee> mac appears to be a bit of a pain in general
<teepee> there, fixed it :)
<Scopeuk> mac and windows completing over who is the bigger pig of a target
<Scopeuk> mac allows more of the standard unix build tools to work easily and is closer to posix, windows just doesn't get the same love in library support
<teepee> well, at least I can run dev versions of windows on any machine I have and want to use
<Scopeuk> true
<Scopeuk> I think there are some barebones and edge testing vm images that can be legitimately had for free
<Scopeuk> I have vague recollection of there being a windows based cli build environment available from Microsoft but I may be miss remembering
<Scopeuk> docker image
<teepee> I would not even mind paying some reasonable fee for being allowed to run it on a dev machine, including some sort of "do not use it for production deployment" license
<myosotis> powershell is cross platform
<teepee> but buying a totally overpriced mac is just a non-starter
<Scopeuk> yeh
<Scopeuk> I don't know how much the non m1 minis are fetching now that people are getting excited by the m1 stuff
<teepee> for microsoft, there's no big deal, the preview versions are fine, and I still have a old win7 license converted to win10
<myosotis> I'm suuuper glad I don't have to build anything that runs on macs
<teepee> I might get a not too old mac mini at some point, a customer has 3 machines to upgrade, we'll see how that goes
<peepsalot> teepee: not sure how much of build time is spent linking, but I just stumbled across this (from watching mimalloc issues) linker which is allegedly very fast https://github.com/rui314/mold
<peepsalot> and there's a homebrew https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/mold#default
<teepee> not sure, but considering it's building for 2 platforms it's probably not a huge amount to gain
<teepee> setup is about 10 minutes and build itself 26
<teepee> for some reason it's doing NUMCPU=6 for a 4 cpu / 8 gb machine, maybe that's a bit much
<teepee> hmpf: export NUMCPU=$(($(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) * 3 / 2))
<teepee> a bit optimistic?
<teepee> it's impressive to actually run without OOM, but clang is much lighter on memory
<myosotis> 3/2 sounds like too much, but idk **anything** about building on macs
<peepsalot> dunno, i tend to go a bit above #cpu, my reasoning being that cpu can stay busy even with a couple IO blocked threads
<teepee> yeah that's fine as long as memory is not a concern
<myosotis> if this is for personal use, then go for it. if it's main branch makefile stuff, i'd do N or N-1
<teepee> it's CircleCI config
<peepsalot> and for ctest i get more throughput even up to like 4x cores (something weird going on there I never figured out).
<myosotis> oh, since it's for something specific, just try different stuff and use whatever the numbers say is the best :-p
<teepee> yeah, but there are no tests on the CircleCI builds
<teepee> that's the point, the macos build was about 9 minutes at some point
<teepee> but now it's changed a lot, including switching from macports to homebrew + building universal apps now
<teepee> well, even at 30 minutes we can officially build every 2 days :D
<peepsalot> teepee: Oh, i guess I was looking at Github actions... what is CircleCI used for vs Actions?
<teepee> you posted the CircleCI link :P
<teepee> CircleCI is doing the snapshot builds (2 x windows, AppImage, macOS)
<teepee> github actions are running the tests, 18.04, 20.04, macOS, windows/msys2
<teepee> I probably need to update the wiki page
<teepee> oh, forgot WASM :)
<teepee> 5 CircleCI builds
<peepsalot> oh, right, too many tabs. i was looking at *both*, at different points in time
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<peepsalot> i kind of wish that every line of these logs was timestamped, so you could tell how long individual steps take
<teepee> yep, github logs are nice in that regard
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<myosotis> I can not express how big of a fan of self-hosted gitlab I am, if your IT can support running it
<teepee> true, as open source project the free hosting is useful, but of course always based on good will and can change any time
<myosotis> I feel like there's some way to get you all the CI minutes you need for cheap/free, I'm just not quite sure what it is yet
<myosotis> with gitlab, you setup "runners" and the runners contact gitlab and ask for the job. The minutes get used up on the runners. If circle does something similar then there's got to be a cheap solution
<peepsalot> oh, i didn't know realize the timestamping was actually an option until now, very nice!
<peepsalot> So it looks like linking on github actions takes a whole 1s out of 1102s total for an openscad build...
<teepee> yeah, CircleCI does support self hosted stuff
<peepsalot> but what if it was EVEN FASTER?! :P
<teepee> same as the ruble joke I suppose
<teepee> what's the difference of 1102s and the linking time?
<teepee> 1102s
<teepee> could be different on CircleCI with the universal build, but with that reference, probably not enough to gain to warrant the extra complexity with a custom linker
<myosotis> circleci free plan supports self-hosted runners. If somebody on the project has a physical mac (or a mac vm) it looks like it wouldn't be too bad to unshackle this from minute restrictions
<peepsalot> is cross compiling a possibility for macs? or does apple have some anti-competitive tricks to make that impossible?
<peepsalot> also, i suppose a self-hosted "hackintosh" build server would be legally problematic?
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<teepee> I have not heard about any alternative to xcode and/or if it would be possible to build a system basen only on the open source parts
<teepee> probably that's possible, but if that would be able to build actual apps? I suspect the answer is no
<peepsalot> i still have no idea what xcode even is, lol. I thought it's just an ide, like apple-flavored VS
<peepsalot> i mean it uses clang compiler, right? so what is the crucial task that xcode fulfills?
<myosotis> idk, but I know you can't really do apple dev without a subscription
<teepee> -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
<teepee> it's physically impossible for them to join any effort other people do, it's some sort of special rule of the universe
<teepee> I suppose you can think of XCode as the Internet Explorer for Apple Developers
<teepee> in the sense it's integrated into everything and you can't do much without
<myosotis> yeah I think there are other choices, but nothing that has any reasonable support
<myosotis> and you have to use xcode to publish to the appstore
<teepee> appstore is out of reach for us anyway
<teepee> well, the mobile one at least, I don't know the rules for the desktop one
<teepee> they even dropped the nano editor, presumably due to it being GPL licensed
<teepee> now "nano" starts a different one
<teepee> (or so I have read)
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<InPhase> "<teepee> I suppose you can think of XCode as the Internet Explorer for Apple Developers" I read this sentence like 5 times, and have no idea what it means, but I'm pretty sure I hate everything about it. :)
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<InPhase> So it sounds like Xcode is Apple's Visual Studio. I have not tried using it. My mac programming has consisted of C++ with Qt Creator, C# with Unity, Python, and some shell scripting, and I've struggled to minimize it as much as I can.
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<peepsalot> InPhase: his next statement clarified it to me. it's apple's own egregious antitrust violation like that time microsoft went to court over IE. ;)
<InPhase> Ah. :)
<InPhase> Well I guess they're not very good at their monopoly, because I didn't notice it was supposed to be required. I only see it mentioned when other people complain about problems they have using it.