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< shrit[m]> rcurtin: This is the first error I have noticed from the Windows build:, I am not sure that this is related to the mlpack code but rather to the configurations of azure
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: this could be helpful:
< rcurtin> my guess is we'll need to change some build flags or something like this
< AakashkaushikGit> I will be trying to implement teacher forcing and i will open a PR for that so others don't do the same work and i will be helping in migrating the tests from boost to catch2 parallel and then i will implement the remaining activation functions that i have taken up, those are [RReLU]( and [Adaptive logsoftmax with
< AakashkaushikGit> (edited) ... catch2 parallel and ... => ... catch2 parallely and ...
< AakashkaushikGit> I just wanted to inform this here so there aren't any duplicate PRs.
< rcurtin> AakashkaushikGit: sounds good; I saw your message from yesterday too---if you're looking for a different way to dive deep, maybe you can find some other issue on Github that makes enough sense to approach?
< rcurtin> I agree that the various refactoring issues are pretty surface-level, but they at least provide an entry point to become familiar with the structure of the codebase
< rcurtin> the next step would be to find some way to dig deeper into some portion of the code and understand it at an in-depth level (maybe teacher forcing is a good way towards this)
< AakashkaushikGit> > `rcurtin on Freenode` Aakash kaushik (Gitter): sounds good; I saw your message from yesterday too---if you're looking for a different way to dive deep, maybe you can find some other issue on Github that makes enough sense to approach?
< AakashkaushikGit> Yup it makes sense, i would try to find some good issues after i am done with teacher forcing.
< AakashkaushikGit> > `rcurtin on Freenode` I agree that the various refactoring issues are pretty surface-level, but they at least provide an entry point to become familiar with the structure of the codebase
< AakashkaushikGit> That's why i started out with those issues, now i feel comfortable and so thought about taking more insight in the codebase.
< AakashkaushikGit> > `rcurtin on Freenode` the next step would be to find some way to dig deeper into some portion of the code and understand it at an in-depth level (maybe teacher forcing is a good way towards this)
< AakashkaushikGit> I believe teacher forcing will be a good way as that would make me interact with the implementation of the sequential models and will make me understand how different units such as GRU, LSTM are implemented.
< AakashkaushikGit> Thanks for the advice @rcurtin, I will keep these points moving forward.
< rcurtin> sounds like a plan!
< rcurtin> :)
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< AakashkaushikGit> Yes, 😄
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< shrit[m]> rcurtin: I have tried their solution, It is not working, It there any possible way to allocate more resource for this build?
< rcurtin> I doubt it; do you know what file it is failing on?
< rcurtin> msbuildArguments: /m /p:BuildInParallel=true
< rcurtin> that line is in .ci/windows.yaml... maybe remove those arguments? both of those, I believe, enable parallel builds
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< abernauer[m]> Enjoyed my informational interview this morning. Went well and the professional I talked to enjoyed the conversation.
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