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< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Sounds like a great idea.
< zoq> Will gove some of the issues later.
< zoq> shrit[m]: Just an update, will go over the application tomorrow.
< shrit[m]> No worries, I will have to some update on it tomorrow morning
< shrit[m]> * @zoq No worries, I will have to do some update on it tomorrow morning
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< say4n> The spammy side of hacktoberfest:
< say4n> Ugh.
< rcurtin> say4n: that's unfortunate to see :(
< zoq> Yeah, I get the point, and burnout is a serious topic that is discussed at each Mentor summit. But at least for mlpack I don't think we experienced any spamming (correct me if I'm wrong), so I would expect that at least for our community similar programs are indeed helpful.
< rcurtin> definitely, I agree zoq, I don't think we saw anything quite like that