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< AakashkaushikGi4> Great, so i will write it in somedays and then will post a link here for feedback.
< neteraxeGitter[m> @Aakash-kaushik But it seems like that you are working for a RPG project. I'm also a student interested in artificial intelligence, and it is my pleasure to get acquainted
< neteraxeGitter[m> My study is aiming to NLP recently, and maybe will code some implementation with C++ about that.
ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
< AakashkaushikGi4> > My study is aiming to NLP recently, and maybe will code some implementation with C++ about that.
< AakashkaushikGi4> I do have some knowledge about sequential networks but for the field of NLP, i am also new and working on it to gain knowledge.
AnushKiniGitter[ has joined #mlpack
< AnushKiniGitter[> Hi guys, I was going through the documentation of mlpack, specifically the cli bindings. I looked at mlpack_preprocess_split and it dosen't seem to have an option of stratified split similar to the one in scikit-learn. Is there any other command I can use to do this in mlpack?
< zoq> AnushKiniGitter[: Unfortunately there is no support for stratified split, would be great to have.
< AnushKiniGitter[> Can I open an Issue and regarding this and try to get a PR in?
< AnushKiniGitter[> (edited) ... Issue andregarding ... => ... Issue regarding ...
< zoq> AnushKiniGitter[: Ohh, yes, that would be great, thanks.
< AnushKiniGitter[> Cool
nishantkr18[m]1 has left #mlpack []
< shrit[m]> Funny enough that Microsoft emails go spam in Outlook 🤣
< AakashkaushikGi4> > `shrit` Funny enough that Microsoft emails go spam in Outlook 🤣
< AakashkaushikGi4> Hahaha
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
< zoq> Hacktoberfest just started - in case anyone likes a nice t-shirt :)
< AakashkaushikGi4> I had some PRs lined up on my whiteboard looks like will get a t-shirt too, btw still waiting fo my mlpack stickers to show up :)
< AakashkaushikGi4> And I completed half of the article will complete the other half by tomorrow and post the article link here for a feedback.
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: sorry that I was silent over the past day or two---there were a couple work fires. I am looking at the Windows build now to see if I can come up with any ideas
< AakashkaushikGi4> Does mlpack have something similar to the ImageFolder in pytorch, the image loading in mlpack takes file names which can turn out to be huge to train networks, that's what k say and none of the example for CNN really loads image data, they all work from csv files.
< AakashkaushikGi4> (edited) ... networks, that's what k say and none of the example for CNN really loads image data, they all work from csv files. => ... networks, also i didn't saw any example in the example repository which loads image data to train a cnn