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< singh> error: #include<mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer.hpp> not found
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#14 (moead_exp - 3c2949e : UtR491): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#15 (moead_exp - 5b817b7 : UtR491): The build was fixed.
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#20 (moead - 8595e4c : UtR491): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#21 (moead - ecba8fc : UtR491): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#22 (master - 5df4088 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< YashwantSinghPar> Hi @rcurtin I think so there is some issue in CLI-bindings which have required parameter. It is throwing `CLI::OptionNotFound` even if we provide required parameter to the bindings.
< YashwantSinghPar> For E.g.
< YashwantSinghPar> Or it is some system specific problem?
< rcurtin> YashwantSinghPar: let me try to reproduce it
< YashwantSinghPar> :+1:
< YashwantSinghPar> I am not sure, If this thumbs up works
< rcurtin> well my terminal certainly won't display it either way, but I know what :+1: means :-D
< rcurtin> ok, I reproduced the issue... let me figure out what is wrong...
< rcurtin> looks like we might have a very quick 3.4.1 release :)
< YashwantSinghPar> Yeah, I have also noticed the same about the release.
< rcurtin> this is strange, though, because I did some testing with some bindings and had no issues
< rcurtin> for instance, mlpack_knn --reference_file test_data_3_1000.csv -v -k 3 works just fine
< YashwantSinghPar> Let me also try with some other bindings.
< rcurtin> one difference between mlpack_knn and mlpack_preprocess_split is that for the latter, the param is INPUT_MATRIX_REQ, but it's not required for mlpack_knn
< YashwantSinghPar> Yeah mlpack_knn is working great.
< YashwantSinghPar> I guess the issue is with only CLI-bindings which have required parameter.
< YashwantSinghPar> Or is it even more specific?
< rcurtin> I'm not sure---I'm tracing through how preprocess_split adds the different options to CLI11 now
< rcurtin> ok, I think I have a fix; I'll open a PR in a moment
< YashwantSinghPar> This sounds good
< YashwantSinghPar> Thank you for looking into this issue.
< rcurtin> sure, I'm sorry I missed it during review of CLI11
< rcurtin> the hard part of this PR is writing unit tests :) the actual fix itself is a one-liner
< rcurtin> still waiting for the test to compile :)
< shrit[m]> The same for me 👍️
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< YashwantSinghPar> > `rcurtin on Freenode` the hard part of this PR is writing unit tests :) the actual fix itself is a one-liner
< YashwantSinghPar> Agreed, some time test writing is hard, but they bring surety. :)
< rcurtin> ok, fix works and tests are implemented... now I just need to re-run after removing debug output and I'll open the PR
< rcurtin> hard to juggle a bunch of meetings and keeping this moving :)
< rcurtin> YashwantSinghPar: shrit[m]: let me know what you think
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< rcurtin> shrit[m]: got my 386 booted up, went to do `apt-get install openssh` but then realized that debian slink *predates* SSH
< rcurtin> so now I am trying to step it up to potato :)