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< jeffin143> Did you know about this ?
< jeffin143> scroll down a little bit : Fighting Padding Waste
< jeffin143> Do you think alignment does make a significant difference in terms of speed and space ?
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< shrit[m]> jeffin143: I think we already remove the padding with g++ flags
< AakashkaushikGit> I also read the link that @jeffin143 sent but it is mentioned that you can add padding with compiler options but can't remove it and it was also mentioned that on X86 systems the difference is negligible
< rcurtin> a few data structures (including the decision tree) were manually tuned to reduce padding, but I'm not sure how huge of a difference it makes for most structs
< rcurtin> if anyone had interest in tuning more, feel free; it would be easy to benchmark the before/after to see if there is an improvement
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< AakashkaushikGit> hey @iamshnoo I tried with ./bin/mlpack_catch_test and then with and without semicolon and with and without the cpp extension , I want to run loss_functions_test, Can you give a specific way ?
< zoq> AakashkaushikGit: bin/mlpack_catch_test "[TestName]" should work, make sure it's part of
< AakashkaushikGit> No, it didn't worked though i ran just ./bin/mlpack_catch_test and all tests did passed so should i consider that the test i wrote for mean absolute error in loss_function_test also passed
< AakashkaushikGit> Also loss_functions_test is there in the CMakeLists.txt
< AakashkaushikGit> I just can't seem to run the loss_functions_test even after trying all the 6 combinations i could think of.
< zoq> AakashkaushikGit: If all tests pass that's fine, we run automatic tests for each PR, so once you open the PR, we are running all tests as well.
< jeffin143[m]> Please open a pull reuwy
< jeffin143[m]> Request , we can then help you Aakash kaushik (Gitter)
< anjishnu[m]> I just checked. The loss_functions_test file apparently uses BOOST test cases still, instead of Catch2 (?) So, maybe try compiling mlpack_test instead of catch_test and then run it using bin/mlpack_test -t TestName.
< jeffin143[m]> Yes loss function
< jeffin143[m]> Wasn't migrated
< anjishnu[m]> yep! Then this should work for him I guess.
< jeffin143[m]> You both are same??
< jeffin143[m]> I thought it'd your user name
< anjishnu[m]> <jeffin143[m] "You both are same??"> You mean @iamshnoo and this id?
< jeffin143[m]> Yes
< anjishnu[m]> Yep. I think iamshnoo is from Gitter. And this one is from Riot.
< jeffin143[m]> Oh I see
< AakashkaushikGit> Sure i would open a PR right away and thanks for helping on running tests.
< AakashkaushikGit> Done, Created the PR.
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< techsunny> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. terminal is showing this error when i am using -make j4
< techsunny> i have tried solution on stack overflow but none of them works for me
< zoq> techsunny: Did you run cmake first?
< techsunny> yes i have
< zoq> techsunny: so you downloaded the source code, created a build directory e.g. using 'mkdir build' changed into that directory 'cd build' and called 'cmake ..'
< zoq> techsunny: Can you post the last lines from the cmake step
< techsunny> yes exactly
< techsunny> - Not building R bindings, Following modules are not available: - R - roxygen2 - Rcpp - RcppArmadillo - RcppEnsmallen - BH - testthat-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!See also "/home/sarthak/mlpack-3.4.0/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".See also "/home/sarthak/mlpack-3.4.0/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
< zoq> techsunny: I see so the cmake step failed, maybe it wasn't able to find a dependency boost, armadillo?
< zoq> techsunny: The complete output will tell you what went wrong.
< zoq> You can also look into the files that is mentioned in the error report.
< techsunny> CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1947 (message): Unable to find the requested Boost libraries. Boost version: 1.65.1 Boost include path: /usr/include Could not find the following Boost libraries: boost_unit_test_framework Some (but not all) of the required Boost libraries were found. You may need to
< techsunny> install these additional Boost libraries. Alternatively, set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to the directory containing Boost libraries or BOOST_ROOT to the location of Boost.Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:440 (find_package)CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:582 (message): txt2man not found; man pages will not be generated.-- Julia not
< techsunny> found (missing: JULIA_EXECUTABLE) (Required is at least version "0.7.0")-- Julia not found; not building Julia bindings.-- Not building Markdown bindings.-- Not building Python bindings.-- Go not found (missing: GO_EXECUTABLE) (Required is at least version "1.11.0")-- Gonum not found (missing: GONUM_VERSION_STRING) -- Not building Go bindings; the
< techsunny> following modules are not available: - Go - Gonum-- R not found (missing: R_EXECUTABLE) (Required is at least version "4.0")-- Could NOT find R_roxygen2 (missing: R_ROXYGEN2) -- Could NOT find R_Rcpp (missing: R_RCPP) -- Could NOT find R_RcppArmadillo (missing: R_RCPPARMADILLO) -- Could NOT find R_RcppEnsmallen (missing: R_RCPPENSMALLEN) --
< techsunny> Could NOT find R_BH (missing: R_BH) -- Could NOT find R_testthat (missing: R_TESTTHAT) -- Not building R bindings, Following modules are not available: - R - roxygen2 - Rcpp - RcppArmadillo - RcppEnsmallen - BH - testthat-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!See also
< techsunny> "/home/sarthak/mlpack-3.4.0/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".See also "/home/sarthak/mlpack-3.4.0/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
< techsunny> these are the error lines
< zoq[m]> So as you can See From the first lines boost can’t be found
< zoq[m]> Did you install boost via your package manager?
< techsunny> i have followed the same steps nothing more than that
< zoq> techsunny: I see, so I think we have to update the CMakeLists.txt file.
< zoq> techsunny: Can you add "1.74.0" and "1.73" and "17.4.0" and "17.4" to
< zoq> and try again
< techsunny> alright, so u mean i will be able to built code only after the file get updated
< techsunny> ok
< zoq[m]> Yes
< techsunny> i have added pr with the changes in it that are told by you
< techsunny> with commit "upgrading the configuration variables " kindly review it
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< zoq> rcurtin: I guess the ensmallen release bot will eventually merge the PR?
< AakashkaushikGit> Hi, for the mean absolute percentage error that is mean(abs((input-target)/target)) the derivate or the backword function will be just (1/target) right?
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