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< RV784Gitter[m]> when ever I try to compile program, cannot open source file "mlpack/core.hh" in VS
< say4n> mlpack is a header only library. You can do one of the two things with it, include it some program that you write yourself to use it, or, build the tests for the library.
< say4n> What are you trying to achieve?
< say4n> *include it in
< RV784Gitter[m]> I wrote a program which requires mlpack header file. VS cannot locate this file.
< RV784Gitter[m]> all mlpack is build under vcpkg folder.
< RV784Gitter[m]> first. I installed vcpkg, then I used mlpack library only command (Whole process took about 1 hour). now, I can locates mlpack c++ header files in my c drive,,,but cannot use them VS.
< say4n> Try running ".\vcpkg integrate install".
< say4n> Also, what do you get when your run `.\vcpkg list`
< RV784Gitter[m]> I DID, it gave me "If you are sure you want to rebuild the above packages, run the command with the --recurse option" should I go with this ?
< say4n> Yes.
< say4n> Also pass the --recurse flag as it says.
< RV784Gitter[m]> sure
< RV784Gitter[m]> Unknown option(s) for command 'integrate':
< RV784Gitter[m]> '--recurse'
< RV784Gitter[m]> still doesn't work.
< say4n> Try without the flag.
< RV784Gitter[m]> No change. It says successful in console but when I go to VS, situation is same. I don't know where I went wrong.
< RV784Gitter[m]> In an empty dev folder, I cloned the vcpkg and installed it. then in C:\dev\vcpkg I cloned the mlpack....Did I do it wrong ?
< say4n> Why would you clone mlpack
< say4n> You need to get mlpack with vcpkg
< RV784Gitter[m]> .\vcpkg install mlpack:x64-windows I used this command. My bad I said I cloned.
< say4n> Ahh, I see
< HavshxjdnaggzGit> > Hello, How can I print info of the tree indexes in KNN? Is it possible ?
< HavshxjdnaggzGit> Is it possible ? Could you please answer me?
< RV784Gitter[m]> > `say4n` Ahh, I see
< RV784Gitter[m]> Should I start all over again ?
< say4n> Uhm, I don't understand the problem you're facing.
< say4n> Can you run and paste the output of `.\vcpkg list`
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< RV784Gitter[m]> > `say4n` Uhm, I don't understand the problem you're facing.
< RV784Gitter[m]> >
< RV784Gitter[m]> > Can you run and paste the output of `.\vcpkg list`
< RV784Gitter[m]> This is what I copy-pasted.
< say4n> Could you please paste it to somewhere like (It's kinda hard to read logs here)
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< say4n> Also, from what I see here, I can't find mlpack listed as installed. Did your mlpack install complete? You do have dependencies like armadillo and boost installed.
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< RV784Gitter[m]> > `say4n` Could you please paste it to somewhere like (It's kinda hard to read logs here)
< RV784Gitter[m]> here is the link
< RV784Gitter[m]> > `say4n` Also, from what I see here, I can't find mlpack listed as installed. Did your mlpack install complete? You do have dependencies like armadillo and boost installed.
< RV784Gitter[m]> I followed the above link
< RV784Gitter[m]> .\vcpkg install mlpack[tools]:x64-windows I haven't run this command. it says to install mlpack programs. instead I went with .\vcpkg install mlpack:x64-windows
< say4n> Yes, that's fine. Did it complete installation?
< say4n> Alright, so from the logs you pasted, mlpack is indeed installed. Sorry, my bad, I overlooked it earlier in the chat..
< say4n> So, the next question is how are you building your code.
< say4n> I am assuming `\vcpkg integrate install` completed successfully?
< RV784Gitter[m]> > `say4n` Alright, so from the logs you pasted, mlpack is indeed installed. Sorry, my bad, I overlooked it earlier in the chat..
< RV784Gitter[m]> It's completely fine.
< say4n> Okay, so now, how are you building your project?
< RV784Gitter[m]> open VS, select new project for console c++, then for testing if everything went fine, I used one of the sample programs available in mlpack starting guide. (
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< rcurtin> I'm going to do some system maintenance to today, around 1700 UTC
< rcurtin> I should also say that is just another name for, oops
< zoq> Alright no mail, www, and ci.
< rcurtin> but, I do have a backup server set up, so we'll see how it works... I'm going to try to fail over to that so that is still online
< zoq> cool
< rcurtin> I have a backup MX too, but that'll just mean that mail is delayed
< rcurtin> but yeah, CI will be temporarily down
< rcurtin> I'm just installing a new processor, some RAM, and a few other things, so if it goes well it should be ~maybe half an hour
< zoq> oh nice, so it should come back stronger :)
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< RV784Gitter[m]> > `say4n` Okay, so now, how are you building your project?
< RV784Gitter[m]> Am I building the project wrong ?
< say4n> No apparently everything looks okay to me.
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< RV784Gitter[m]> > `say4n` No apparently everything looks okay to me.
< RV784Gitter[m]> then...what should I do ?
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< say4n> Let met get back to you in a bit. Trying a VM...
< AakashkaushikGit> Hey, i have written softmin activation function in ann/layer but I can't seem to get where to write the test for it ?
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< AakashkaushikGit> Hey @zoq i did see that softmax is also implemented as a layer but i didn't found the tests for softmax in
< AakashkaushikGit> And i have implemented softmin the same way so are the tests surely going to go in the activation_functions_test.cpp ?
< AakashkaushikGit> aslo @zoq can you help me figure out the backward function of the softmin function i have been trying from 2 days but without any success.
< rcurtin> ok---running a little behind, but just switched DNS over to the backup server
< rcurtin> the certs will be wrong, but the website will at least still work :)
< zoq> AakashkaushikGit: You can also put it into ann_layer_test.cpp.
< say4n> Rajat, I think I have found a solution to your problem.
< zoq> AakashkaushikGit: If it's an activation function it should go into activation_functions_test.cpp.
< zoq> AakashkaushikGit: I can take a look at the backward pass, I guess you are about to open a PR?
< say4n> By default, VS selects x86 as the default configuration for C++, whereas you have installed x64 version of the libraries. So, what you have to do is basically select x64 from the drop-down in the ribbon menu and you should be good to go.
< zoq> rcurtin: I can access so looks like the backup works :)
< AakashkaushikGit> > aslo @zoq can you help me figure out the backward function of the softmin function i have been trying from 2 days but without any success.
< AakashkaushikGit> Can anyone help with this ?
< say4n> RajatVerma, RV784: here: