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< rcurtin> shrit[m]: I kept upgrading to woody, and now I'm trying to upgrade to sarge, but now the apt archives are so large they are making my machine swap :-O
< rcurtin> it took 40 minutes to get to the yes/no prompt when I did `apt-get dist-upgrade` :)
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< Eddie-XiaoGitter> @rcurtin Hi Ryan, when will you add classification to LSTM and regressor to RandomForest on these two most popular models?
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#36 (moead - d2c8a2d : Utkarsh Rai): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#37 (moead - db611ea : Utkarsh Rai): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#38 (moead - b4b2102 : Utkarsh Rai): The build was fixed.
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< travis-ci> UtR491/ensmallen#39 (moead - 9edcc5d : Utkarsh Rai): The build was fixed.
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< shrit[m]> rcurtin: Just a question why you are trying to upgrade up to sarge if the machine is too old. I think woody is fine right?
< rcurtin> well because I wanted to see how new of a system I could run :)
< rcurtin> but I'm pretty sure this adventure will end with me reinstalling slink and then only stepping up to potato
< rcurtin> even woody is pretty slow
< shrit[m]> I have woody on my machine and it eat 12 MB of memory out of nothing
< rcurtin> uh-oh, I only have 8MB :-D
< shrit[m]> I can not imagine how much memory you have consumed with woody
< rcurtin> actually I type free -m and it says only 5, I think because 3MB is claimed for buffers, etc.
< shrit[m]> good, so it mange well the memory when there is nothing, but notice that half of the memory is consumed already without running anything, even not an SSH server.
< rcurtin> I'll at least end up with an amusing benchmark for how long it takes to boot and how long it takes to ssh in
< rcurtin> Eddie-XiaoGitter: that would be really awesome to add regression for RandomForest and DecisionTree, but at least from my side I don't have time to do it
< rcurtin> if you like, you could open an issue for it and we could see if anyone is interested in contributing it
< rcurtin> for classification with an LSTM, this should already be possible---you just use a softmax layer as the last layer, with number of nodes equal to the number of classes, then take the maximum prediction as the predicted class
< rcurtin> possibly that API could be made simpler---but again, please do feel free to open an issue on Github, that's probably the best way to help make it happen :-D
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< abernauer[m]> Had my phone screen was pretty low pressure. I like the company alot, but a little concerned about the responsibilites.
< rcurtin> glad to hear it went well---hopefully further discussions can make it a bit clearer what the position is, what the responsibilities would be, etc.
< rcurtin> when I interview I try to just gather as much information as I possibly can about who I will be working with, what the trajectory of the group inside the company is, what working there is like, etc. etc.
< rcurtin> in some sense I am interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing me :-D
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: I got myself into dependency hell trying to go from woody to sarge :(
< rcurtin> I think I'll start over and stop at potato :-D
< abernauer[m]> That sounds like a solid approach. The only bad vibe I got from the phone call was she seemed slightly concerned I was over qualified or not interested in the position.
< rcurtin> that's better than the opposite situation of being underqualified :)
< abernauer[m]> The company does Software for VR, AR and 3D Ecommerce in the retail space.
< rcurtin> it sounds like a cool opportunity for sure!
< shrit[m]> rcurtin: Agreed, I used to use debian testing, and then I stopped, I was unable to resolve the dependency hell that I was facing each time I need to install a new software.
< rcurtin> :)
< shrit[m]> I think it will be fast to re-install potato. Hope that it will be not so slow
< rcurtin> yeah, I should be able to have it done by tomorrow
< shrit[m]> Imagine, I spent the entire week deubging a strange issue in my thesis code, It started as a mutex issue, then I undserstood that it was a copying issue, in which a vector of object is being copied, and it should not be, finally I found that I forget to add `&` to a private data member only once out of 10.
< rcurtin> ha! yeah, I have definitely spent way too long digging after single-character fixes too :(
< shrit[m]> irony of errors, and debuging
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