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< AakashkaushikGit> Hi @rcurtin is the documentation change from from python to python3 done if not can you give a slight overview on which files i may have to look into and i will then create a PR regarding that change.
< AakashkaushikGit> It was regarding changing all the python packages to python3 in documentation
< rcurtin> AakashkaushikGit: I think only the build guide in doc/guide/build.hpp and, where we specify what packages to install for Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.
< rcurtin> those package names would just need to be checked to make sure they are the appropriate python3 package names
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< AakashkaushikGit> Okay i will check each one of them and create a PR.
< rcurtin> thanks! be sure to also check that the Python package names have not, e.g., changed between Ubuntu versions (then we will just have to make a note, or have two different commands, one for, e.g., Ubuntu 16.04 and one for 18.04 or something)
< rcurtin> did GSoC results get announced yet? the GSoC website doesn't list any particular time, it just says results are announced today