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< RishabhGarg108Gi> @birm I dont know how to do that. Could you tell.
< RishabhGarg108Gi> I just did the regular cmake ../
< AakashkaushikGit> Hey @birm , not completely sure but the python bindings are turned off by default in the master branch right ?
< birm[m]> Aakash kaushik (Gitter): yes. So, RishabhGarg108 (Gitter) pass the option to enable python binding with with -D BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON on the cmake step. Then, see if the cmake output seems satisfied with the dependencies.
< birm[m]> Hope that's useful. You may also find the cmake guide helpful,
< RishabhGarg108Gi> After enabling python binding, cmake is showing error that pandas is not installed, although i have pandas installed through pip3
< yashwants19[m]> [RishabhGarg108 (Gitter)]( Have you tried -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/urs/bin/python3 with cmake?
< yashwants19[m]> * [RishabhGarg108 (Gitter)]( Have you tried -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 with cmake?
< AakashkaushikGit> @rishab-gangwar if you are on a linux based system try installing pandas through apt or something similar
< AakashkaushikGit> The package name is `python3-pandas`
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Hii @yashwants19 , I tried with -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE, but it was showing some error with R bindings, so I also added -DBUILD_R_BINDINGS=OFF. But that too had no effect
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Hey @Aakash-kaushik , I installed python3-pandas, but it is still showing pandas not found
< RishabhGarg108Gi> This is the error that I am getting
< yashwants19[m]> Try install pandas using /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install pandas
< yashwants19[m]> And then use cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ..
< RishabhGarg108Gi> @yashwants19 , I already have the latest pip version of pandas which i am regularly using.
< RishabhGarg108Gi> I installed pandas as you just mentioned and again did cmake. This time it showed come error with go bindings, so i turned off the go bindings and the output that i got from cmake is :-
< RishabhGarg108Gi> It is still saying Not building python bindings
< yashwants19[m]> python bindings is disabled some how.
< yashwants19[m]> Try to remove CMakeCache.txt from you build folder.
< yashwants19[m]> And then simply cmake -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=1 -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ..
< RishabhGarg108Gi> I explicitly turned on the python bindings along with the previous cmake options and it somehow started building something. I an hoping that it is now building python bindings.
< yashwants19[m]> Awesome.
< yashwants19[m]> You simply make python bindings using.
< yashwants19[m]> make python
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Will update you in a short while when it finishes building
< RishabhGarg108Gi> ok..
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< RishabhGarg108Gi> while doing sudo make install, i am getting this
< RishabhGarg108Gi> I have cython version 0.29.21. and when i try to run from Cython.Distutils import build_ext from python3 on terminal, it is working fine
< yashwants19[m]> Did `make install` succeed properly.
< yashwants19[m]> * Did `make` succeed properly.
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Yeah 'make' succeed.
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Finally, sudo apt-get install cython3 worked. Now i am able to import mlpack in python
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Thanks @yashwants19 and @Aakash-kaushik for helping me.
< AakashkaushikGit> :D
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< manasd28> Hi I wanted to ask how can we test the changes we in the source code in our local machine?
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< AakashkaushikGit> You can create a build folder in the mlpack local repo that you have and in the build folder you can do `cmake ../` and then `make` if you prefer to don't install in system wide or `make install` if you prefer to do so, also you maybe need to specify a `jN` flag to limit how many thread make uses to build mlpack
< AakashkaushikGit> If you encounter a out of memory situation reduce the number of `N` in that flag
< AakashkaushikGit> @manasd28 ^
< manasd28> So basically build again..Thanks!!
< AakashkaushikGit> Yup .!
< AakashkaushikGit> Also you can find the basic information [here](
< manasd28> Thanks.
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< RishabhGarg108Gi> Hey everyone, I am am an absolute beginner at the technologies used in the library and working on mlpack would be my first project. I know basic c++, python and machine learning. But I know nothing about armadillo, boost, cmake, catch, lapack, serialization etc. I am willing to learn all these new stuffs. So, could someone tell me how do i go about learning these things. I need something like a road map so that I
< RishabhGarg108Gi> could learn them one at a time and do some contributions to the library. Also, if someone could suggest me some basic issue which could help me understand the codebase. I would really appreciate some help. Thanks.
< zoq> RishabhGarg108Gi: Hello, there are some issues on GitHub tagged with "good first issue", you can list them by clicking the tag on the community page -
< zoq> RishabhGarg108Gi: Starting with an issue is a good starting point, in most cases you don't have to touch cmake, serialization, boost.
< zoq> RishabhGarg108Gi: We have listed some books and tutorials to dive into some of the used paradigm here -
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< RishabhGarg108Gi> Thanks @zoq , I would take a look at all of these resources. These resources looks like a great starting point for me. Thanks for helping.
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< HavshxjdnaggzGit> Hello, when I want to compare the neighbors to an int value I got error if (Neighbors.col(i) == y) how can I fix that?
< rcurtin> HavshxjdnaggzGit: for the most part, the questions you're asking are pretty basic C++ questions and aren't specific to mlpack; I think you might have more success getting answers and understanding what's wrong by either consulting a C++ textbook, or perhaps asking the question on a larger C++ forum like StackOverflow
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< abernauer[m]> zoq: So I created a branch on my fork added my notebook, the install.R and runtime.txt. Does that hit the check list for opening the PR for that R notebook.
< zoq> abernauer[m]: Sounds good, let's open the PR and see if that works :)
< abernauer[m]> I tried building it on the mlpack lab link and it returned a 404 error
< zoq> Hm, I'll take a look once the PR is open.
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< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: awesome, great to see the example coming together!
< abernauer[m]> rcurtin: Enjoyed writing the example! Splitting time on the examples and working on a side project for a discord bot written in Python with two other contributors.
< rcurtin> nice, sounds like a good time :)
< abernauer[m]> Yeah I have to deal with coroutines which is new to me.
< rcurtin> birm[m]: I was quite surprised to be trying to figure out some path traversal implementations for work and my digging brought me to an answer from you:
< rcurtin> I didn't know you were involved with LightGraphs :-D
< birm[m]> rcurtin: haven't contributed in a little while now, I should resume!