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< rcurtin> zoq: I was taking a look at the homepage, and specifically taking a look at the editor
< rcurtin> at least on firefox and chromium, the actual editor is a bit smaller than the editorContainer
< rcurtin> but, I'm not sure exactly how it's set... I think it's set with javascript
< rcurtin> anyway it seems like if we can force #editorContainer to have the same height as #editor, then everything will line up
< rcurtin> let me know if you can see the same issue---I can provide a screenshot if you like
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< zoq> rcurtin: Don't see the issue here, so if you can provide a screenshot, that would be great.
< AakashkaushikGi4> @zoq i think he maybe talking about the empty black space above and below the actual editor, i am not completely sure though.
< AakashkaushikGi4> Also i sent a image here i am not sure if it shows on freenode.
< zoq> AakashkaushikGi4: I'll take a look at the article later.
< zoq> rcurtin: I see, will look into the issue.
< rcurtin> awesome, thanks
< zoq> Currently working on a new notebook :) -
< rcurtin> I opened some issues for restyling the documentation and doxygen output last night; when I have a chance, I'll take a shot at the CSS
< rcurtin> I am not the best web designer by any means but I'm at least ok with css :)
< zoq> great :)
< rcurtin> I haven't seen The Grand Budapest Hotel, should I put it on the list?
< rcurtin> I like Wes Anderson movies, but it's been a while since I watched one
< rcurtin> (that's a nice clustering example, too! :))
< zoq> I really liked the movie, so unless you already have a zillion movies on the list, I recommend to add it.
< AakashkaushikGi4> Hey @Abilityguy i avoided the output because i was having some problems with leakyrelu and so i replaced them with simple Relu and i only ran the network for 4 epochs and the results weren't so good to put out so i skipped that part.
< AakashkaushikGi4> Also @Abilityguy thanks for taking a look.
< AakashkaushikGi4> @zoq yeah sure take a look when you are free.
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< shrit[m]> <rcurtin "I haven't seen The Grand Budapes"> Yes, definitely, this film is remarkable.
< shrit[m]> zoq: It is nice to see that matplotlibcpp is working out of box, I tried it last year I have several issues with python version.
< zoq> shrit[m]: Yeah, getting the dependency graph right is often challenging.
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< say4n> rcurtin: also Darjeeling Limited by Wes Anderson, it is amazing!
< zoq> rcurtin: Can you check if - has the same issue?
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< zoq> AakashkaushikGi4: Nice article, some comments -
< AakashkaushikGi4> Hey @zoq made all the edits and described a bit more about the last comment of yours.
< AakashkaushikGi4> (edited) ... of yours. => ... of yours in the article and also left a comment on the gist.
< rcurtin> zoq: great, looks fixed on the demo site!
< rcurtin> say4n: yeah, I saw Darjeeling Limited some years back, I really enjoyed it... probably worth a revisit :)