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< RajatVerma> Hi, I'm Rajat. I know raw c++ (Competitive Programming) and now want to dig into Machine learning. I read many introductory articles in geeksForgeeks about what is ML, difference b/w ML and AI, what is data, information, supervised and unsupervised learning.
< RajatVerma> Now, How should I start with ML ?
< RajatVerma> Any course recommendations with ML in c++, and I use codeBlocks as my Main IDE
< RajatVerma> But I also got running Visual studio (not VSC) for c++ development environment.
< zoq> RajatVerma: I heard some good things about the coursera course from Andrew Ng.
< zoq> RajatVerma: I also liked - "Machine Learning Engineering" by Andriy Burkov.
< RajatVerma> The course from Andrew Ng, is it native in c++ ? No one really had an FAQ about that in his course page...?
< zoq> RajatVerma: No, Python, but it's not about the language it's about the ML.
< RajatVerma> More like theory based ? Like a kickStart >
< RajatVerma> ?
< zoq> RajatVerma: Yeah, it covers a bunch of fundamental ML topics.
< RajatVerma> There is also this 108 video series under name "Machine learning by Andrew Ng"
< RajatVerma> I mean, You sure that I won't face issues due to lack of python knowledge. I'll enroll like right now then.
< zoq> RajatVerma: Not sure, I guess you can checkout the first part and see if you like it or not.
< techsunny[m]> <RajatVerma "There is also this 108 video ser"> It doesn't require python skills the course under name"Machine learning by Andrew Ng" is using octave and mathlab as ita tools for machine learning
< techsunny[m]> I'd recommend that you choose something that interests you and familiarize yourself with the community.first get an brief idea that what's Machine learning all about i think it would be better for you. All the best🙂
< RajatVerma> techsunny[m] I've been doing the same for past week or so. After college ours mainly. But I really want to get going, get started with coding and stuff....then I landed on MlPack's github page where there were many open issues and guess what, It requires c++. That's why I'm here
< RajatVerma> hours*
< techsunny[m]> <RajatVerma "techsunny I've been doing the sa"> So u already have prior knowledge of machine learning and its implementation?
< RajatVerma> yes kind of. I mentioned about articles about geeksforgeeks. wait... " " this is a series of 20-25, say sequentially teaching about machine learning to a layman.
< RajatVerma> Nope. they didn't teach to actual code...but the thinking behind it I suppose.
< RajatVerma> Have you been to mlpack's github page ? in the issues section ?
< techsunny[m]> Alright mate well i will recommend you either to get an idea about ml or built it and start reaching good first issue on mlpack GitHub page
< techsunny[m]> <RajatVerma "Have you been to mlpack's github"> Yes
< RajatVerma> Yeah, what sort of background I should have to patch my "Good first issue" ?
< RajatVerma> I know c++, And rough idea about ML.
< zoq> RajatVerma: Depends on the issue, some of the issues require very little ML knowledge and are more on the C++ side.
< techsunny[m]> Look as u can't explore the whole code of mlpack so i recommend you first get some prior knowledge of metaprogramming and templates and c++
< zoq> RajatVerma: Some are more heavy on the ML side.
< RajatVerma> Yes yes, metaprogramming was also mention in mlpack community's page
< techsunny[m]> After that as per the problem you may learn
< RajatVerma> which IDE works best with mlpack ?
< RajatVerma> Codeblocks or Visual studio ?
< zoq> RajatVerma: Haven't used any of the two, but I would go with the one you are most comfortable with.
< techsunny[m]> <RajatVerma "Codeblocks or Visual studio ?"> Vs code would be better option acc to me
< RajatVerma> OKAY, so here is the crux. get familiar with metaprogramming and templates, then I guess build mlpack and make some basic programs and then head over to solve bugs.
< techsunny[m]> <RajatVerma "OKAY, so here is the crux. get f"> Yup
< RajatVerma> Thank you so much ! I'll be back if I face any error, or when I'll push my first issue patch.
< RajatVerma> ;)
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< say4n> Weird, automatically left the channel on my behalf because of inactivity. :(
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< Eddie-XiaoGitter> Itz really weird! When inside a #pragma omp parallel for loop, the Adam optimizer must widen MSE from the second loop, while the first trained result is normal. Does Ensmallen support multithread?
< Eddie-XiaoGitter> @matrixbot
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< Eddie-XiaoGitter> Or ens::Adam optimizer and RNN<MeanSquaredError<>, HeInitialization> model should be manually released / reset?
< Eddie-XiaoGitter> The thing is that still happens even after setting the thread number to just 1, and only running OK after commenting the "#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(iThreadNum)", weird.
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< Eddie-XiaoGitter> But I worked out a solution, divide all the loops into N batches, and each batch only execute exactly the thread numbers parallelly. And this problem can be solved.
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< RajatVerma> windows 64-bit ZIP toggle under the line says "NOT FOUND" when clicked.
< rcurtin> RajatVerma: thanks for pointing that out! I forgot to do that as part of the deployment process
< rcurtin> give me a little while, I'll ping when I fix it
< RajatVerma> OKAY!
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< shrit[m]> rcurtin: where can I found the `mlpack_export.hpp` file?
< rcurtin> isn't that auto-generated by CMake? it has been a very long time since I have seen that filename...
< shrit[m]> I found that in CMake, but I never found that in reality
< rcurtin> looks like it's generated in `src/mlpack/CMakeLists.txt`
< rcurtin> but it will only show up in your build directory, under build/src/mlpack/
< shrit[m]> Yes, but it is installed?
< rcurtin> oh, hm, I would hope that it gets installed but I'm not sure
< rcurtin> if you're finding that it doesn't get installed, want to add an install() command for it in CMake and submit a patch? :-D
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< shrit[m]> Actually it does
< rcurtin> ahh, good
< shrit[m]> We are safe,
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< rcurtin> :)
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< RajatVerma> can anyone guide me how to build mlpack in windows, or can link me to a tutorial. I've been to getting started page, github. I already have cmake ready and running (Earlier I compiled a software called blender, that's why))
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< rcurtin> RajatVerma: download links fixed now, sorry about that!
< RajatVerma> NO need to be sorry. Actually thank you...I'll be able download it now.
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< HavshxjdnaggzGit> Hello, How can I print info of the tree indexes in KNN?
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