ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< robertohueso> rcurtin: good idea! ensmallen is now a separate package in AUR (and also an mlpack dependency)
< rcurtin> robertohueso: awesome!
< rcurtin> I use arch on my little ARM chromebook (Arch seems to have the best ARM support of distros), so maybe I will install that next time I boot it into Arch :)
< rcurtin> ...I broke Github
< rcurtin> I was reviewing the Go bindings, and there were a *lot* of comments and suggestions, and when I submitted the PR, it just timed out and failed to submit
< rcurtin> so I tried again and again and I can't make it work
< rcurtin> so now I have over 100 comments stuck as "pending" that I have to figure out how to submit :)
< rcurtin> I had no idea this could even happen...
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #75: FIXED in 49 min:
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #516: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 57 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> * Marcus Edel: Convert HRF to JUNIT format.
< jenkins-mlpack2> * Marcus Edel: Raise exception if the format is unknown.
< jenkins-mlpack2> * birm: jenkins server name changed
< jenkins-mlpack2> * noreply: Update
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< wiking> zoq: ok so i'm again having troubles with clcache
< wiking> idk what exactly the story there... but sometimes i had a feeling when the cache gets full then caching not really working
< wiking> but for example
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #85: STILL UNSTABLE in 10 hr:
< jenkins-mlpack2> * Marcus Edel: Convert HRF to JUNIT format.
< jenkins-mlpack2> * Marcus Edel: Raise exception if the format is unknown.
< jenkins-mlpack2> * birm: jenkins server name changed
< jenkins-mlpack2> * noreply: Update
< zoq> wiking: hm, in my case the cache is from a single build, so not sure I run into the same issue (full cache); debugging such issues is super annoying if you can only use echo.
< wiking> zoq: we do have as well a single build
< wiking> :)
< zoq> wiking: wow 1:45h, I can see why you looked into clcache :)
< wiking> yeah
< wiking> but now it started to fail again
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< jeffin143> @lozhnikov : finally I got the time to revist PR1969 , It has been really long the pr is stale and hence I tried implementing ngram functionality
< jeffin143> It's a rough commit , but if you are ok with the API change we can move ahead
< jeffin143> 🚀🚀
< wiking> zoq: just merged this yesterday: ;)
< wiking> that's what i was trying to finish up at the summit on the weekend
< wiking> +33,635 −51,358
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< rcurtin> wiking: I like the ABBA at the end :)
< wiking> rcurtin: yeah that was the inspiration from Sergey as she called 💃 emoji dancing queen
< wiking> so i thought then we can go with that
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> at first I thought the +33,635 -51,358 was lat/long coordinates... turns out that's somewhere in the middle of the atlantic
< wiking> :>
< wiking> hahahahaha!
< wiking> cool idea!
< wiking> rcurtin: we need a plugin to git that gives you location on the globe based on your changes
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< rcurtin> :)
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< piyush_chaudhari> Hii geeks, Piyush Chaudhari here, keen to contribute for mlpack
< piyush_chaudhari> Follwing the guide to set up the environmentv and heading towards to solve the first good issue!!1
< wiking> :>
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< rcurtin> I think it's really cool that the IRC logging system I made, which doesn't consider anything about Unicode at all, does manage to display emojis without any problem :)
< rcurtin> however... my terminal doesn't... so I always have to refer to if I want to figure out what an emoji was. I should fix that...
< zoq> most of the time I just guess :)
< rcurtin> ha! :)
< rcurtin> we could use an mlpack RNN trained on the IRC logs to guess what emojis might be associated with each user... :-O
< zoq> nice idea, could be an interesting notebook as well :)
< rcurtin> :)
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