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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#8280 (master - da707bb : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< piyush_chaudhari> I am trying to install Armadillo C++ Linear Algebra Library for which I have to install following package(as per given in documentation) name : ARPACK, for building mlpack from source, I am trying to install ARPACK as per given instruction in README file but throwing error (shown below) :
< piyush_chaudhari> Making lib in /home/piyush/ARPACK/UTIL /bin/sh: 6: /bin/make: not found
< piyush_chaudhari> Making lib in /home/piyush/ARPACK/SRC /bin/sh: 6: /bin/make: not found
< piyush_chaudhari> ranlib: '/home/piyush/ARPACK/libarpack_SUN4.a': No such file
< piyush_chaudhari> Makefile:57: recipe for target 'arpacklib' failed
< piyush_chaudhari> need help, I tried hard but can't make it
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #77: FIXED in 49 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #518: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 54 min:
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< rcurtin> piyush_chaudhari: what have you tried to fix the issue? it looks like 'make' is not installed
< rcurtin> also, why not just install via your system's package manager?
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< piyush_chaudhari> Okay, I will try via system's package manger.
< piyush_chaudhari> can armadillo be installed using system's package manager?
< zoq> piyush_chaudhari: Yes, are you on debian/ubuntu?
< piyush_chaudhari> yeah in ubuntu 16.04
< piyush_chaudhari> I recently install synaptic package manager
< zoq> So 'apt-get install libarmadillo-dev' should work.
< piyush_chaudhari> yeah working on it....
< piyush_chaudhari> But what about dependencies given in documentation?
< piyush_chaudhari> That according to documentation : On Linux-based systems, the following libraries are recommended
< piyush_chaudhari> to be present: OpenBLAS, LAPACK, SuperLU and ARPACK.
< zoq> piyush_chaudhari: SInce you are on ubuntu you can follow:
< piyush_chaudhari> Yeah I am following same page of documentation.....
< zoq> So as mentioned on the page "In Ubuntu and Debian, you can get all of these dependencies through apt:"
< zoq> the command should install all the necessary dependencies
< zoq> like openblas will be installed as a dependency of armadillo if you install libarmadillo-dev
< piyush_chaudhari> Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) what I am getting even after killing the process
< piyush_chaudhari> when I execute apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
< zoq> is synaptic still open?
< piyush_chaudhari> yes
< piyush_chaudhari> I killed all the process ongoing and know it is showing : Unable to locate package libarmadillo-dev
< zoq> apt-get update might help, not sure is this the first time you run apt-get?
< piyush_chaudhari> no zoq.... frequently I use
< zoq> strange
< piyush_chaudhari> for armadillo I have downloaded the package(tar) file from site and was following the steps for installation as per givent in README file
< zoq> I guess you could use apt-cache search, to search for the package
< zoq> I see, but as rcurtin already pointed out it would be way easier to install all the dependencies through the package manager
< piyush_chaudhari> which one ?
< zoq> armadillo
< piyush_chaudhari> synaptic / aptitude ?
< zoq> apt-get
< zoq> they source the same package, so you could use synaptic if you like
< piyush_chaudhari> when I use apt-get it says Unable to locate package libarmadillo-dev but obvious?
< zoq> have you used apt-cache search as I mentioned above to search for the armadillo package?
< piyush_chaudhari> working on it....
< piyush_chaudhari> after executing -> apt-cache search libarmadillo-dev it shows nothing
< zoq> just search for armadillo
< piyush_chaudhari> same nothing it shows
< zoq> same if you search for blas?
< piyush_chaudhari> I am clueless why such strange behaviour I from last 11 hours trying to figure out
< piyush_chaudhari> no able to search blas
< piyush_chaudhari> giving dependency packages info
< piyush_chaudhari> no, able to search blas.
< zoq> maybe you are missing some entries in the sources.list file, can you check that file?
< piyush_chaudhari> yeah I guess haven't configured it....
< rcurtin> have you run `apt-get update`?
< piyush_chaudhari> Thank you rcurtin and zoq for helping me, recently I have successfully installed armadillo from synaptic.....
< piyush_chaudhari> but as I see ensmallen is not present in synaptic...
< zoq> If you build mlpack by source it's part of the build process, if you install mlpack via the package manager it's already included as well.
< piyush_chaudhari> okay.....
< piyush_chaudhari> as i see version are not updated in package manager
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< RyanCurtinGitter> test message via Gitter
< RyanCurtinGitter> okay, so, let's hope this lasts, but the mlpack/mlpack Gitter room is now connected to the channel, which is also connected to the mlpack IRC channel :)
< RyanCurtinGitter> there can sometimes be semi-significant lag between the three rooms, but the message does seem to get there eventually...
< piyush_chaudhari> alright
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