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< rcurtin>
I just had a really fascinating and exciting conversation with Sylvain Corlay from QuantStack about C++ and notebooks
< rcurtin>
I didn't know this exists (maybe I live under a rock?) but there is a working C++ notebook environment via 'xeus':
< rcurtin>
given that virtually 100% of data science is in notebooks, and that's native C++ in a notebook, I think it should not be hard to get mlpack running in a notebook!
< rcurtin>
I'm hoping to adapt one of our examples later this week or maybe tomorrow if time permits
< rcurtin>
but I think this could be a huge improvement to our documentation/examples, and could also make it *way* easier for users to *use* mlpack
< rcurtin>
(since they wouldn't have to think about a compiler at all)
< rcurtin>
don't know if anyone else here has ever played with xeus, but, this is the first I've seen it, and it's really really cool and I'm extremely excited
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< rcurtin>
Sylvain specifically told me that they are looking for users of xeus that they can demonstrate at conferences, etc., so I think that there is some exciting potential here
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< zoq>
I tested xeus cling, but run into som redefenition issues
< rcurtin>
yeah just hit that, kind of unfortunate, but maybe fixable
< rcurtin>
maybe some workaround can happen, I'll talk to Sylvain tomorrow
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< rcurtin>
that is kind of a blocker though... notebooks are a bit unusable if you can't screw up
< zoq>
yeah, I used .undo a lot, but that wasn't really a solution; ended up restarting the kernel more often
< rcurtin>
yeah, I see, that's not a great workaround though
< rcurtin>
one of the commenters writes:
< rcurtin>
I have written a similar interactive kernel for Fortran ( and there I simply shadow the previous definition, the example notebook has an example for that, you can also launch it in Binder to play with that interactively.
< rcurtin>
but perhaps cling has just merged support for this:
< Nakul>
I have sended the PR directly to the master branch is there any problem with that ?
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< zoq>
Nakul: Hello, that works.
< Nakul>
how should i download libarmadilo , i am using sudo apt-get install libarmadilo and persistantly getting this error
< Nakul>
previously i got this working but for some reason i uninstalled and then i got this error
< Nakul>
after instally once again
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< rcurtin>
Nakul: can you tell us a little about how you configured mlpack?
< Nakul>
previously i downloaded zip file , but now i git cloned fron the repo and maded build dir. and then run cmak ../ and after tha make
< Nakul>
after running every methods got builded successfully but at the end i got that error
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< rcurtin>
Nakul: try removing the old armadillo that you downloaded, I think that could help
< jeffin143>
Umm we could add it as optional dependency and then user may be able to pass Lambda function from python and then we can use that function in our c++ class
< jeffin143>
To be specific as of now , a use case is the string binding where tokenizer could be a lambda function , for binding we have used one internal tokenizer but using this we could give user more power to customise it
< jeffin143>
@lozhnikov : I will go through ngrams implementation and try to implement this week , most probably will start from Wednesday , since I haven't used that , and hence to read a lil bit
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