ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< jeffin143> @rcurtin : can u check one , is irc log script working fine?
< jeffin143> I am not able to view logs , or is it just me and the logs are fine
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< rcurtin> jeffin143: you're right, logs for 11/11 don't seem to be appearing
< rcurtin> let me look into that
< rcurtin> (it seems ok for Nov 12th though)
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< piyush_chaudhari> Finally mlpack got installed, this can't be possible without your help @rcurtin, @zoq, @jeffinsam Thanks a lot !!!
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #520: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 2 min:
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< zoq> tejasvi[m]: Either build against python3 or install cython for python2.7.
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< zoq> tejasvi[m]: Either build against python3 or install cython for python2.7.
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< rcurtin> jeffinsamGitter[: I found the irc log issue; it happens when there is a [ or ] character in someone's nick :)
< rcurtin> I have a fix now, so there should be no issue anymore hopefully
< tejasvi[m]> What is the usual full build time? My (4gb, i3) is painfully slow. Time for upgrade I guess.
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< rcurtin> tejasvi[m]: yeah, it can take a while, be sure to build with multiple cores
< rcurtin> the travis CI builds usually take a little over 45 minutes to build the whole library
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