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< tomjpsun> zoq: The generated 'mlpack.pc' uses ' ... -l/usr/local/lib/libarmadillo.dylib ... ' which should be '-larmadillo'.
< rcurtin> tomjpsun: yeah, maybe it should be -L/usr/local/lib -larmadillo ?
< rcurtin> anyway if you open an issue on Github we can take a lopok at it
< rcurtin> *look
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #94: STILL FAILING in 49 min:
< tomjpsun> rcurtin: I fired the issue, thanks.
< tomjpsun> fired -> opened
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< rcurtin> tomjpsun: thanks, I'll try to take a look this morning :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#8367 (master - c75a645 : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> zoq: I'm playing with the Azure pipelines builds for the Julia bindings... but I need to have it run the tests via ctest, not via a direct call to mlpack_test
< rcurtin> my guess is maybe you have played with this a little---have you tried using ctest / was there a problem?
< rcurtin> if you're not sure, I'll start digging and see what I come out with :)
< zoq> rcurtin: I used ctest before but there was some issue with the PublishTestResults task, were it couldn't parse the ctest output.
< zoq> rcurtin: Same with the xml output that mlpack_test is able to produce, that's why I implement the script that converts the HRF into xml.
< zoq> rcurtin: Also, to install Julia on macOS maybe it is easier to use "brew cask install julia"?
< rcurtin> zoq: oh! yeah that is way better to use brew, thanks
< rcurtin> the Debian repositories for Julia generally don't work, so there it is better to use the precompiled version supplied by
< zoq> Pretty sure, brew cask will use the dmg from the julia page anyway
< rcurtin> disappointing that there were problems with ctest... I'm going to try playing with it and seeing what happens, maybe a conversion script is necessary for ctest too
< rcurtin> looks like there are problems with ctest anyway:
< zoq> hm, the convert script is super simple
< rcurtin> yeah, first I'll see what awful error Azure pipelines fails with :)
< rcurtin[m]> test (seems like messages are not getting from IRC to matrix?)
< rcurtin> rcurtin[m]: test response
< rcurtin> ...did not go through...
< rcurtin> I sent a message to the shogun channel earlier and that too hasn't appeared in their matrix channel after several hours
< zoq> ...
< rcurtin> yeah, somewhat disappointing
< rcurtin> it's at least been reported in the Matrix Bridging room but nobody seems to have any solution
< rcurtin> the suggestion given was "stare at the status page" :)
< zoq> okay will put it on another screen :)
< rcurtin> heh
< rcurtin> yeah, might be a while? I get the impression that matrix doesn't have the computational resources that they seem to need... but I'm not sure on that
< zoq> just realized; matrix does have a lot of bridges
< rcurtin> yeah, I am in the process of switching all my personal chat clients from finch to weechat+matrix :)