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< rcurtin> of course, happy to help :)
< rcurtin> oops, just hit up and send the last message again
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: awesome, it looks like #1985 is not quite ready yet, just some tiny style issues to fix from my end
< rcurtin> and yeah, I think we can keep, e.g., KernelWidth() and KernelHeight() instead of KernelSize() which returns a tuple
< rcurtin> it seemed like nobody had a very strong opinion on it, and I have a weak opinion that the tuple is a little harder to work with, so I think it works as-is
< rcurtin> I don't have a problem with adding a black theme for the website but I don't have the time to actually make it :) if you want to contribute the CSS+other changes that are needed we can definitely add it!
< rcurtin> (alternately we can just open an issue for it and maybe someday someone will have time or interest, so feel free to do that also)
< zoq> -- mlpack logo :)
< rcurtin> :) awesome to see that
< rcurtin> it's bigger than the mxnet and h2o logo too :-D
< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: I have opened an issue, let's see if someone takes it up.
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #546: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 15 min:
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