ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< rcurtin[m]> (just a test message to check that the bridge is still working)
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< rcurtin> test message for slack bridge
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< M_slack_mlpack-c> test message received!
< rcurtin[m]> well, the name display is certainly mangled from Slack->Matrix->IRC... `M_slack_mlpack-c`...
< rcurtin> M_slack_mlpack-c: do the bridges convert the name back correctly?
< M_slack_mlpack-c> rcurtin: incredibly, yes!
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M_slack_mlpack-4 is now known as mlpack-inviter[m
< mlpack-inviter[m> and what happens if we send a message from a different account?
< rcurtin> well, that's a little better I guess...
< RyanCurtinGitter> and it all seems to show up reasonably on Gitter (except `M_slack_mlpack-c` did not get converted back...)
< rcurtin[m]> nice, and it actually looks pretty nice from the client too
< rcurtin[m]> ok, I think I'm done talking to myself for now. thanks for listening :)
< M_slack_mlpack-c> wait, but one more thing is worth pointing out, which is that emoji reactions from Slack transfer to Matrix too!
< M_slack_mlpack-c> <M_slack_mlpack-c "wait, but one more thing is wort"> but what happens with threads?
< rcurtin[m]> well, that looks ok in Matrix but mostly awful in IRC and confusing on Gitter...
< rcurtin> by the way, if anyone wants an invite to the Slack workspace, use (later I'll redirect that through and update the webpage)
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #87: STILL UNSTABLE in 6 hr 53 min:
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< walragatver> Hi everyone, sorry I missed yesterday's meet. I really liked the idea of C++ notebooks.
< walragatver> I had one thing to discuss. I think we should participate in this It may help us to make some good tutorials on how to use mlpack features. This has a timeline of three months similar to GSOC. This is just an idea. Let me know what you think.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #530: UNSTABLE in 3 hr 16 min:
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< rcurtin> walragatver: yeah, I talked to someone about Season of Docs at the NumFOCUS summit a few weeks back... they said that it was hard to find a qualified candidate, but they were happy with the person that they got
< rcurtin> they said that most technical writers won't have in-depth knowledge of the science/math behind the software, but they can be really helpful at making the documentation clear nonetheless
< rcurtin> the only thing is time---personally, I don't think that I have time to run the effort (but maybe I can help out here and there)
< rcurtin> if you (and/or others) wanted to take the lead on it I think it would be an awesome idea
< jeffinsamGitter[> I guess +1, with @walragatver point
< jeffinsamGitter[> It was the first year so , I guess there wasn't much hype , but I guess it would be hyped muched and then someone could be apt :)
< jeffinsamGitter[> Much*
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< rcurtin> JeffinSam[m]: yeah, hopefully, there are some strangenesses sometimes, like that "long message" didn't come through to IRC (I had to check it from matrix)
< jeffinsamGitter[> Doesn't irc show long messages ???
< jeffinsamGitter[> It wasn't even long I , just hit enter 5 times , that was 5 different messages :(
< rcurtin> it usually will just show a link to it...
< rcurtin> yeah, I saw that... not exactly sure what happened
< rcurtin> I think, maybe, I will be able to change out the logging system to log the matrix channel, not the IRC channel, and maybe that will do a better job
< JeffinSam[m]> Ohh ๐Ÿš€
< JeffinSam[m]> Just noticed , slack uses github stickers style
< JeffinSam[m]> Does markdown support here
< JeffinSam[m]> `hello`
< JeffinSam[m]> Wow that's cool
< jeffinsamGitter[> Let's see here too
< jeffinsamGitter[> `hello world`
< jeffinsamGitter[> Ohh from here too :)
< rcurtin> :)
< JeffinSam[m]> Best thing is this
< JeffinSam[m]> Gitter updates you constantly
< rcurtin> hmm, so it turns out that Marcus had registered, so I'm going to switch the slack bridge and auto-inviter to there
< rcurtin> sorry for any inconvenience :)
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< M_slack_mlpack_U> test message from <|>
< rcurtin> ok, awesome, seems to work
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M_slack_mlpack_4 is now known as MarcusEdel[m]
< MarcusEdel[m]> Nice!
< MarcusEdel[m]> Okay, letโ€™s see if I can use a different nickname as well.
< zoq> hm, I changed the nickname and the name as well, does the bridge timeout at some point?
< Cadair> timeout how?
< zoq> I guess at some point M_slack_mlpack_4 will disconnect or timeout, and I was hoping the next time it will connect with the updated name.
< Cadair> walk me through what happened? lol
< Cadair> multi-biridging is always going to end up being a little weird on anything not matrix
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< zoq> So I just joined #mlpack through the slack app, and noticed that I haven't setup the correct name, so I changed it in the app, on the app the name is correct now, but on the irc channel it still shows the old name.
MarcusEdel[m] is now known as zoq[m]
< zoq[m]> Maybe it works now?
< zoq> Nevermind, I guess it took some time :)
< Cadair> I think it updates when you send messages from slack with some cache timeout
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< Nakul> Hi how do test some test file. I needed to test softmax_regression.cpp file and i compiled it with the command g++ -stdc=c++11
< Nakul> and i can't see any error message
< Nakul> so is it fine or i need to do something else
< Nakul> *softmax_regression_test.cpp
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