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< sreenik[m]> Oh, I suppose I messed up; that's sad. But sadder is actually the fact I couldn't recognize Marcus :(
< sreenik[m]> Probably my neurons need a little more training when it comes to identifying people :>
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< abernauer> rcurtin: I have a rough draft of my blog site live
< abernauer> I plan on doing a post about C++ template programming.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #514: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 55 min:
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< adityaviki> Hi I wanted to know whats the difference between main_tests and other tests in tests directory?
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< robertohueso> adityaviki: Hi :) main_tests are intended to test just the CLI and bindings and tests are intended to test the actual methods algorithms
< adityaviki> is that true? Cause there are tests written for methods algorithms in main_tests
< adityaviki> I am actually trying to write test for adaboost method but there are two test files one in main_test and other in test
< adityaviki> *test
< adityaviki> *tests
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< rcurtin> adityaviki: src/mlpack/tests/adaboost_test.cpp tests the AdaBoost class/algorithm, while src/mlpack/tests/main_tests/adaboost_test.cpp tests the binding in src/mlpack/methods/adaboost/adaboost_main.cpp
< rcurtin> hopefully that distinction makes sense
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: it's ok, we don't often do video meetings anyway so I think we know each other's IRC nicks more so than each other's faces :)
< sreenik[m]> Yeah :)
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< zoq> Speaking about meetings, should we schedule a meeting for next week? I can send out a whenisgood or something.
< rcurtin> zoq: agreed, but I had some ideas about the meetings, so I think I should send an email to the mailing list to see what people think first
< rcurtin> let me do that tonight, and we can see what the response is :)
< zoq> sounds good
< robertohueso> I'm now maintaining the mlpack AUR package, just released an update fixing some install issues, hopefully it works :)