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< khizirsiddiqui>
Hey! I am working this issue to output class probabilities for test point using adaboost. I am not able to add CLI support for it. If I am not mistaken adaboost_main.cpp handles the CLI part, I have added PARAM_MATRIX_OUT("predict_proba", ...... ) with other output cli args. mlpack_adaboost complies good but it doesn't recognize predict_proba as a
< khizirsiddiqui>
valid argument on usage.
< khizirsiddiqui>
what am I missing here?
< khizirsiddiqui>
Also, I couldn't find how the --help arg outputs optional args.
< khizirsiddiqui>
Thanks for help. :)
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< rcurtin>
khizirsiddiqui: that seems strange, can you provide the exact code that you added?
< khizirsiddiqui>
i changed my directory to build. then-> cmake ../ && sudo make -j4 mlpack_adaboost
< rcurtin>
mlpack_adaboost gets built into the build/bin/ directory
< rcurtin>
when you run `$ mlpack_adaboost`, have you manually added build/bin/ to your PATH environment variable?
< rcurtin>
i.e., are you sure that the mlpack_adaboost program you are calling is the correct one?
< rcurtin>
if you are just typing `$ mlpack_adaboost`, you can see which one is being called with `which mlpack_adaboost`
< khizirsiddiqui>
:| yeah, i was doing it wrong.
< khizirsiddiqui>
Now i've added build/bin to path, and now getting this error:
< khizirsiddiqui>
```mlpack_adaboost: symbol lookup error: mlpack_adaboost: undefined symbol: _ZN6mlpack8adaboost13AdaBoostModel12PredictProbaERKN4arma3MatIdEERNS2_3RowImEERS4_```
< khizirsiddiqui>
on calling `mlpack_adaboost --help`
< rcurtin>
okay, now you have library versioning problems
< rcurtin>
I know what's happening here so I'll just explain it, and you can verify if what I said is right
< rcurtin>
earlier, I imagine you installed mlpack either with 'make install' or 'apt-get install libmlpack-bin' or something like that
< rcurtin>
that means that there's now a in either /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib/ depending on whether you used apt or installed from source
< rcurtin>
now that you've added mlpack_adaboost to your PATH, it's going to try to use that that is in /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib/
< rcurtin>
but that is an old version and doesn't have the functionality that you added
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< rcurtin>
so, I think, you could run mlpack_adaboost directly with just `$ bin/mlpack_adaboost ...`, or, you can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to `build/lib/` so that hopefully it gets the right one
khizirsiddiqui has joined #mlpack
< khizirsiddiqui>
Oh! I get it, ok ok.
< khizirsiddiqui>
I've exported `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` as `build\lib` and it works now. thanks!
< zoq>
This isn't the first time, so perhaps it makes sense to print out some information during the cmake step?
< khizirsiddiqui>
zoq: can we add something like this on github readme?
< zoq>
khizirsiddi: Hm, I guess there are multiple options where we can put this, personally I would put it into the build tutorial, write a new section about pitfalls.
< zoq>
I guess if we put it into the cmake file itself we could print out a message if we detect another mlpack version, and either provide a simple solution or link to some document.
< zoq>
Also, I like the idea and this is great to have, especially if you ship the tarball, but perhaps we should clear the file in favor of the install instructions tutorial.
< rcurtin>
if you build `mlpack_adaboost` in the build directory it should be RPATH-linked directory to build/lib/
< rcurtin>
so if you just ran bin/mlpack_adaboost without changing $PATH or $LD_LIBRARY_PATH I *think* that should work... correct me if you find otherwise
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