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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #88: STILL UNSTABLE in 6 hr 56 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> birm: documentation specific for this registry
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #96: STILL FAILING in 49 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #537: FIXED in 2 hr 59 min:
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< gautam> Hi, I'm new here and to mlpack. I installed mlpack with armadillo version 8.400.0, the least version mentioned in the readme. I was trying out the program mentioned in this issue and it gave an error on using the function rows(), as it turns out this was introduced in a later version of armadillo. So, I downloaded the source of the latest version (9.800.2) and installed it using cmake. I did not remove the
< gautam> older one. The program on compilation now gives an error I can not make sense of. Here it is: I'd appreciate any help or feedback. Thanks.
< zoq> gautam: Hello, I would remove the other armadillo version and make sure to link against hdf5 as well if you build armadillo with hdf5 support.
< gautam> Thanks zoq. I searched on how to uninstall it and found to remoce the files mention in the install_manifest.txt. Unfortunately I do deleted that folder. How do I delete the older version now? Am I even making sense? /usr/include only contains 1 folder named armadillo. I've tried removing everything and reinstalling.
< zoq> did you remove the armadillo lib as well? not sure it's probably in /usr/local/lib/
< gautam> It's present in /usr/lib and I hadn't removed it. Thank you! Will try this.
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