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< abernauer> Nakul: Clarify what you mean by test the soft_max_regression.cpp? The .cpp file is the actual implementation of the algorithm.
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< rcurtin[m]> Nakul: don't compile the individual tests by hand; use `make mlpack_test` to compile them all instead
< rcurtin[m]> if that takes too long, you could temporarily modify `src/mlpack/tests/CMakeLists.txt` to comment out all the tests you aren't interested in :)
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< piyush_chaudhari> As I have build mlpack from source, why I am not able to import mlpack from UNIX terminal....>?
< piyush_chaudhari> trying to solve issue #2091
< rcurtin> piyush_chaudhari: do you mean you are typing `import mlpack` from a Linux shell?
< rcurtin> you'll need to do that from a Python shell :) (correct me if I misunderstood your question)
< piyush_chaudhari> yes....
< piyush_chaudhari> rcurtin: I didn't get you
< PiyushChaudhariG> Above was the error occured.....
< rcurtin> oh, sorry, I see, you are using a python shell
< rcurtin> when you open python, try specifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH, like this:
< rcurtin> $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ python
< rcurtin> I think that will fix the issue
< rcurtin> anyway, I have to go for now---good luck, I hope it helps :)
< piyush_chaudhari> Yeah I will try this :)
< piyush_chaudhari> will let you know...
< piyush_chaudhari> yeah it works
< piyush_chaudhari> rcurtin: why loading in this way works can you please explain ?
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #531: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 11 min:
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< Nakul> rcurtin hi since using the make mlpak_test commna giving me this error that is why i was using g++ -stdc=c++11 file name
< Nakul> please suggest solution
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< rcurtin> Nakul: the error message clearly states what the issue is; what have you tried to fix that?
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< ToshalAgrawalGit> rcurtin: Okay, it looks like the program is quite new. I think let's wait for this year. Let's see whether it takes place again or not. I will surely mentor for next time.
< ToshalAgrawalGit> Also, I am currently moving #1933 to the next release milestone. I need to make sure that the changes I have made are quite correct or not.
< rcurtin> ToshalAgrawalGit: sounds good about both #1933 and Season of Docs :)
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< abernauer> rcurtin: Have you ever encountered any programming errors worse than template programs using the STL?
< abernauer> I audibly laughed when I read that you can get symbols longer than 10,000 characters.
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< rcurtin> abernauer: no, template errors are the craziest errors I ever encounter :)
< abernauer> I found the novel analogy to template compiler errors quite fitting in C++ Templates The Complete Guide. The book is really helpful though :)
< rcurtin> :)
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