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< pegasus> hey, amond the ann layers of mlpack, the merge modes available are for add and concat.
< pegasus> although they are the more commonly used ones, libraries usually have average, multiply etc. modes for merge
< pegasus> Will implementing them be a good addition for mlpack?
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< rohit> hi i just installed ml-pack on my laptop. Can someone tell me what does /core directory contains ?
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< zoq> Classes that are used by other methods often by more than one methods, like optimizer that are used for logistic regression, neural networks etc.
< zoq> Or classes to load/save matrices.
< rohit> do i need to have their knowledge in order to contribute ?
< zoq> no, in most cases you can just use the classes without looking into the code.
< rohit> oh thanks :)
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< alsc> zoq : so I am now eventually coding the TerminationPolicy
< alsc> besides the DecomposableFunctionType, I'd like to have the last objective as a parameter how does that sound?
< alsc> because ok if I pass the model I can test the validation accuracy, but I'll really want to have both training and validation loss
< alsc> rcurtin: there?
< alsc> I guess I'll just make members some auto variables in SGD::optimize, the full state will be available to the caller-back then
< rohit> its strange,the mlpack i got on my laptop has no directory as src/mlpack/bindings ?
< alsc> so ok I have this down... applies to rmsprop, ada_delta, ada_grad and rmsprop
< alsc> could you guys review this and we work towrds a PR? it doesnt break the existing code... only thing in order to get this flexibility one should make template rmsprop, ada_delta and ada_grad... me myself, I'll prefer to use SGD directly without these wrapper classes that are used just to set the correct UpdatePolicy... let me know
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