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< Mani__> Hey guys I am new here and would be glad if someone helped me get started with open source contributions.
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< kopo> Hey guys can some one help me get started with open source development
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< alsc> so in the end the other day besides setting those variables as cache, I’ve added an option(BUILD_PKG_CONFIG_FILE "build pkg-config file" ON) that I disable when using it from another project. it worked
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< zoq> alsc: If that would help you, don't see are reason against such an option. Do you think you could open a PR?
< alsc> zoq: sure… one thing though, in my mlpack fork I have a few hacks committed in the master branch
< alsc> I can I submit a PR from there right, for a specific commit?
< zoq> hm, what sbout creating s new branch snd using git cherry-pick?
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< Guest48318> hello
< Guest48318> hihi
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< rcurtin> it looks like Symantec is shutting down the lab that holds the mlpack build servers in Oregon, and the servers will be moved to Tucson, Arizona
< rcurtin> I've had some discussions with the people who run the labs, they will handle shipping and expected downtime will be like 1-3 days as the systems ship
< rcurtin> it'll happen in mid-to-late January (according to their schedule) and otherwise there should be no problems once everything is back up
< zoq> Hopefully they don't drop anything, or use FedEx, not sure they lock the truck.
< rcurtin> ha! yeah, we will see :)
< rcurtin> when they moved masterblaster from California they did a good job with it; I'm hoping it will be about the same this time, with no problems
< zoq> agreed
< rcurtin> I opened up the Katyusha paper:
< rcurtin> and found a very strange sentence at the end of the abstract:
< rcurtin> 'Since variance reduction has been successfully applied to a growing list of practical problems, our paper suggests that in each of such cases, one could potentially try to give Katyusha a hug.'
< rcurtin> I think maybe I missed the joke, or it is a reference to something I didn't get :)
< zoq> didn't really notice this ...
< rcurtin> I searched the rest of the paper, there is no further reference to hugs :)
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