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< sourabhvarshney1> @zoq I am not getting where the decay constant is getting updated?
< sourabhvarshney1> In Nadam
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< kk_> hello, newbie to Open Source Dev. First time using IRC. Wanna learn.
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< zoq> kk_: Hello there!
< kk_> ok, thanks!
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< jas__> Hi everyone, can someone suggest me how to get started with mlpack
< jas__> any beginner issues ?
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< zoq> jas__: Hello, a good starting point is:, almost all issues are tagged with a difficulty.
< jas__> one more question, do i really need to install all the dependencies like boost,Armadillo and Armadillo? Arent they installed pre hand if i use an IDE like codeblocks ?
< zoq> Unfortunately you have to install all dependencies.
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< zoq> I guess, what we could do is to provide a docker image, that could be used for getting started?
< rcurtin> zoq: actually that would not be a bad idea at all
< rcurtin> I think it could help a lot of people get started developing very quickly
< rcurtin> I don't know if that will help people who want to use an IDE though... I guess I have never tried running a X application from inside a Docker container; not sure if that works
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< zoq> looks like you could run GUI apps with Docker
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