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< jas__> zoq , can i work on this ?
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< naveen1998> Hello every one!
< naveen1998> I am new to this community...
< jas__> what does " any node in the cover tree can have at most O(c^4 ) children;" I mean O(c^4) is time complexity ?
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< zoq> naveen1998: Hello there, if you have any question, here to help.
< naveen1998> Where do i start..?as i am new to the community
< zoq> naveen1998: A good starting point is:
< naveen1998> Yes...i went through that
< zoq> Ookay, so I think the next step is to build mlpack and test out some code examples, might come in handy.
< zoq> You can also take a look at the open issues, perhaps you find something interesting.
< naveen1998> Okay....Thanks a lot
< zoq> You can also go through the codebasee pick some method/class and maybe you have an idea about how to improve or extende the code.
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