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< rcurtin> alsc: sorry for the slow response---I am at NIPS this week, I'll take a closer look when I get home
< rcurtin> the conference goes from like 8am to 10pm every day, very hard to stay on top of things :(
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< praveenojha33> How to begin with Machine Learning if I want to contribute for mlpack.
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< gopalakr> how do I compile mlpack so that the commandline executable are multithreaded ? currently all my executables are running on single core
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< alsc> rcurtin: no worries! I’m away anyways
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< rcurtin> alsc: sounds good; it'll probably be next week sometime
< rcurtin> gopalakr: make sure your compiler has OpenMP support (although it probably does), but not all of the command-line programs support multithreaded execution
< rcurtin> another way would be to use OpenBLAS instead of ATLAS or BLAS or LAPACK as the underlying linear algebra library
< rcurtin> this can provide significant speedups because OpenBLAS is parallel; but you'll only see those speedups in the command-line programs if that particular command-line program uses linear algebra heavily
< gopalakr> right ok thanks.. what should I specifically change in compilation to let openMP be the dafault ?
< rcurtin> cmake should detect it automatically
< rcurtin> you can compile with 'VERBOSE=1 make' to ensure that the '-fopenmp' flag is being used when the compiler is being called
< gopalakr> ok thanks will do this..
< gopalakr> unrelated question, does linear_regression expect dimensions as columns and rows as samples ?
< rcurtin> yes, if you are loading from a csv or similar, that's the expected format
< gopalakr> ok tx
< rcurtin> the first section has some more details that could be helpful
< gopalakr> thanks I was looking for this page and dint find it.. will bookmark it tx :)
< rcurtin> yeah, there are a list of tutorials:
< rcurtin> if you find any errors in them or think anything is unclear, please say something! then we can improve it :)
< gopalakr> wil do
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3471 (master - 9f14976 : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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