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< Chestnut> K4k
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< Trion> rcurtin: Got the mlpack stickers! ^_^ love them! They are my first laptop stickers too :)
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< rcurtin> Trion: great to hear that you like them :)
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Does Travis have auto-cancellation of builds enabled for mlpack? I had pushed twice today, on the same branch and one of the processes still seems to be running.
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< rcurtin> ShikharJ: I think that you are right and travis does a lot of extra builds; maybe it could be reduced
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#49 (CrossEntropyLogit - ef78399 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< zoq> ShikharJ: Good point, auto canceling is now enabled.
< rcurtin> zoq: thanks, I imagine the travis organization appreciates it too :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: The failing memory test is my fault, I was tesing to somehow redirect the details to the results page.
< rcurtin> ahhh, ok
< rcurtin> I updated all the plugins and restarted, hopefully this causes no issues
< zoq> rcurtin: Should be fixed.
< zoq> okay
< rcurtin> I found someone else who had a similar problem and then I realized our plugins were out of date, so I thought I would try that first
< rcurtin> it doesn't seem like we have a good way to re-trigger a build on Jenkins; do you know a way?
< rcurtin> it seems like the only way is to push a change
< zoq> you can setup a trigger phrase for each job
< zoq> but I think the default is "test this" not sure
< zoq> I can look into this later today.
< zoq> It worked for the benchmark repo.
< rcurtin> oops, I wrote "build this", I thought that wasn't quite right
< rcurtin> I'll try in another PR, let's see...
< rcurtin> hm, doesn't look like it worked, but it any case I don't think it matters much
< zoq> right, normally there is no need for a restart
< rcurtin> ohh, I see, you have to say 'please' so that it actually restarts the jobs :)
< zoq> :)
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