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< rcurtin> alsc: the basic idea looks good to me, we can definitely work that into a PR and merge it
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< rcurtin> dan_dan: not sure if you check the logs at all, but if so here is the PR with the Python3 fixes:
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< alsc> zoq: it's a bit blurry how to input labels to FNN:Train
< alsc> I'd expect a one-hot vector, but it's not like that. looks like it's 1-based position in a vector of unique-labels?
< alsc> while the results matrix is 0-based.. I don't get it
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< zoq> alsc: Ah right, the NegativeLogLikelihood is 1 based, I'll adjust that later today.
< alsc> thanks
< alsc> I have checked the source code yeah, got it. why not accepting one-hot?
< zoq> the data I used for testing was just like that ...
< alsc> oki :)
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< dany> rcurtin: hey! I do check the logs, saw the pull request
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< rcurtin> dany: great, hopefully it should fix your issue---if not (or if you find more) just let me know