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< kartik98> Hi, I am new to mlpack. I get this error when i run mlpack_test: Library not loaded. . Can someone help me out?
< kartik98> I am building mlpack on mac
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dilder_ is now known as hodor123456
< hodor123456> I am feeling TMP very hard.Please somebody help...
< rcurtin> I'm not sure what TMP is
< zoq> I guess, template meta programming
< zoq> There are quite a few links on e.g. about policy-based design.
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< hodor123456> Thanks a lot,but they are not enough.I really want to contribute on mlpack but feeling numb on metaprogramming.Please do help.
< rcurtin> hodor123456: you could start from those tutorials and try and search for more information that might help
< rcurtin> or possibly find some C++ book that introduces templates and start from there
< zoq> I really like Andrei Alexandrescu's book Modern C++ Design.
< hodor123456> May I know on which educational field and year you people are.I am feeling very dumb.
< hodor123456> Actually I am in total dilemma.Should I stick with Mlpack or move on(for GSoC-2018) with another languages.I have about 1.5 month before orgs list come out.Should I full focus on TMP(14 hours a day) or move on :( ?Please guide me.
< rcurtin> hodor123456: to answer the first question, I finished a PhD about two years ago
< rcurtin> for the second, I can't say---that is a decision for you to make
< rcurtin> but to be honest it does not sound like very much fun to study template metaprogramming so hard for months
< rcurtin> and maybe there is some other organization that your existing skillset fits with better
< rcurtin> but if you really are more interested in mlpack than other organizations, then go ahead and learn---up to you
< rcurtin> but do realize that we haven't even applied yet to be a mentoring organization, so it is possible that we may not be accepted (it has happened before)
< hodor123456> Would you suggest me some orgs base on C++.I know Python,PHP,Javascript,little JAVA.But I find C++ love.Please.
< rcurtin> I have no idea, to be honest; I don't know what kind of projects you would enjoy
< rcurtin> I would suggest looking through the list of past organizations that have been accepted
< hodor123456> Thanks a lot for your kind help :)
< rcurtin> sure, I hope that you find what you are looking for
< hodor123456> A last question,How many students got selected from mlpack & what was there educational level?
< rcurtin> if you're interested in having us help with the bugs you opened, please feel free, otherwise, you should feel free to go ahead and close them
< rcurtin> last year we accepted 10 of I think 69 or 70 applications
< rcurtin> of those students, most were third or fourth year undergraduates and a few were Master's or PhD students
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< alsc> this is so cool… the t-sne visualization came for free using this TF’s tool
< alsc>
< alsc> after fitting t-sne,the outliers are clearly shown.. bliss
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< dilder_> Sorry,but I am not done with those issues.Should I close them?
< rcurtin> dilder_: are you the same person as hodor123456: if so, absolutely, if you are not done with the issues then you should not close them, we can continue to dsbug :)
< rcurtin> *debug
< rcurtin> alsc: great to hear, sounds like t-sne will make it easy for filtering
dilder_ is now known as hodor123456
< alsc> for what I understand, when you said I could use it as embedding you meant I should get hold of the projection matrix and run KNN in this new space right?
< rcurtin> yeah, that was the idea, it might work better with KNN
< rcurtin> T-SNE could be more helpful since it's a nonlinear transform, whereas NCA is linear
< rcurtin> I don't think there's any guarantee it will do better but at least intuitively it seems to me that it should
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< Rupal> Hi
< Rupal> I am new, and I would like to contribute. I have worked previously in ml and ai.
< rcurtin> Rupal: hello there
< rcurtin> you might try looking at
< rcurtin> er, involved.html, sorry for the tpo
< rcurtin> typo* (I am not doing very well at typing today I guess)
< Rupal> yeah gotcha
< Rupal> I would like to keep working on this for quite some time as I am finding this pretty interesting. I would like to extend it to work on a project if you offer in google summer of code. How should I start? Should I start with fixing issues
< zoq> Rupal: Hello, we have a special page for GSoC: that might answer some questions.
< zoq> If you find some interesting issue on GitHub feel free to work on it; also we are always interested in new interesting methods, so if you like to implement something new let's discuss.
< Rupal> Ok, thank you.
< Rupal> I am not so great at C++ is it possible for me to catch up if I put in effort and interest.
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< zoq> Sure, mlpack does use a lot of template based paradigms, some are listed on the GSoC page, so I would recommend to check them out.
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