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< jas__> hey all. I have just installed ml pack on my machine but im not getting how to use it ?
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< alsc> ok so tomorrow I’ll be working on the termination policy
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< zoq> jas__: One option is to use the command-line executables like: mlpack_knn here is an tutorial:
< zoq> jas__: Another option is to link against mlpack and use the implemented methods and classes for your project.
< zoq> alsc: Nice!
< jas__> zoq ,got that. Can you suggest mw some begginer level issues i can work upon ?
< zoq> jas__: You can go through the issues list: perhaps you find something interesting, if not we are always open for new methods.
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< Arondight> hello everyone,I am new here
< Arondight> i was hoping someone could help me out here
< rcurtin> Arondight: sure, we are happy to help
< Arondight> thanks
< Arondight> i wanted to start contributing to mlpack
< rcurtin> have you looked through the website? there are some pointers there
< Arondight> am going through....
< Arondight> thank you,it kinda solved my problem.
< rcurtin> sure, please feel free to ask any more questions if you have them :)
< Arondight> yeah sure
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