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< alsc_>
I will try again integrating mlpack using the CMakelist in src/ as an external lib today, last time didn’t go that well
< alsc_>
will report the various problems. would be cool if add_subdirectory-> src/mlpack would be enough
< alsc_>
< alsc_>
< alsc_>
< alsc_>
this is failing on mlpack/CMakeLists.txt:203
< alsc_>
I guess that I have already my FindArmadillo in my own CmakeModules directory, so I should somehow merge the two
< alsc_>
I’ll try by including directly mlpack/src/mlpack
< rcurtin>
alsc_: I've never tried including mlpack as a CMake submodule... I don't know what would be needed to make that work
< alsc_>
I am trying it… there are a few things that can be improved
< alsc_>
shall I open issues on github?
< alsc_>
1st thing: options like BUILD_TESTS, BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS should have a prefix because for example BUILD_TESTS is conflicting with my other libs :)
< alsc_>
removing my own FindArmadillo.cmake from the including project’s cmakemodules directory seems to be doing good
< alsc_>
this is quite often the case though, that CMAKE_MODULE_PATH for added subdirectories has always been kind of a pain
< rcurtin>
alsc_: hm, I am not sure I want to change the name of the options, because this makes it confusing for an end user who now has to write, e.g., 'cmake -DMLPACK_BUILD_TESTS=ON' or something instead of the simpler 'cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=ON'
< rcurtin>
however... I think it would be reasonable to add another option like 'MLPACK_OPTION_PREFIX_NAMES' or something like this, and then if (MLPACK_OPTION_PREFIX_NAMES) we add the options as MLPACK_BUILD_TESTS, etc.
< rcurtin>
and otherwise we add as it is now
< rcurtin>
what do you think? it's a little bit of complexity but it's the quickest way I can think to solve both problems
< alsc_>
yes…. but I had to give up
< alsc_>
I gave up when I saw that MLPACK_LIBRARIES also include their dependencies
< alsc_>
line 269
< alsc_>
but they aren’t “CACHE” variables
< alsc_>
I don’t want to diverge too much from the master branch and in the end for now it’s just matter of change something + make install
< alsc_>
actually, I could even just set the include paths from my projects directly to the repo without make install, in any case it’s all template stuff so I don’t even have to recompile the lib
< alsc_>
well not true that it’s all templates
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< rcurtin>
alsc_: MLPACK_LIBRARIES should include everything that an mlpack program might need to link against
< rcurtin>
I don't have a huge problem changing other parts around if you can help describe what makes your life easier, I just want to try and avoid changing what users actually do to configure and use CMake
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< alsc_>
I see. MLPACK_LIBRARIES is empty from a CMakelists that adds mlpack as a subdir
< rcurtin>
it would be easy to make it a CACHE variable so that you could use it from a higher level
< rcurtin>
I'm happy to make that change immediately if it would help you out
< alsc_>
wait I am trying
< alsc_>
so I have set CACHE STRING “”on include and libs variables
< alsc_>
now from my cmakelists I see all the deps but not the mlpack lib, that is if I log the content of ${MLPACK_LIBRARIES} I get
< alsc_>
making with VERBOSE=1 I see that those libs are ok but it complains about references to mlpack
< alsc_>
ok well I just need to link against the mlpack lib, let me try
< rcurtin>
ah sorry I should have clarified, in line 563 we add "-lmlpack" to MLPACK_LIBRARIES_LIST, but that MLPACK_LIBRARIES_LIST variable is only for what gets output into the generated pkg-config file
< rcurtin>
so MLPACK_LIBRARIES actually includes everything an mlpack program needs *except* -lmlpack
< alsc_>
I added directly mlpack in TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES
< alsc_>
seems to work now, it’s building mlpack…. let’s see in 15 minutes
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< alsc>
one question is: why does it always do this? Moving header files to include/mlpack/
< alsc>
ahhh almost!! all my targets have been built, I just got this in the end
< alsc>
CMake Error at /Users/alex/Documents/development/mogees/mogees-lib2-tools-mlpack/thirdparty/mogees-mlpack/CMake/GeneratePkgConfig.cmake:9 (message):
< alsc>
Cannot open /include/mlpack/core/util/version.hpp to extract version!
< alsc>
maybe we can add an option to avoid building pkgconfig