changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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akshit2296_ has joined #mlpack
< akshit2296_> Hello, is there any other official glitter channel or something, I looked out the repository and found it really interesting, can anyone help me out with how can I start contributing
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Adi_ has joined #mlpack
< Adi_> Hi I am new to mlpack can anyone help me get started
< Adi_> I have good knowledge of C++ and OOP also I am familiar with few ML algorithms
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jas___ has joined #mlpack
< jas___> hey all, im new to mlpack. Can someone tell me how to get started by mlpack ?
< jas___> are there any dependencies to install first ?
< zoq> yeah, if you are on ubuntu/debian you can basically just follow:
< zoq> if you have any problems let me know there are bascially only 3 packages you have to install:
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