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< ameyad> Hey! I came across mlpack on the Google Summer of Code webpage, and was interested in getting to know the community, and hopefully, contribute in some way
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< sourabhvarshney1> @rcurtin @zoq I have found some typos in optimizer Adam. Should I fix it?
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< sourabhvarshney1> @rcurtin @zoq I have implemented the optimizer Nadam. Please review.
< zoq> sourabhvars: Sounds good, we take a look at the PR once we get a chance. Regarding typos in the Adam code please feel free to open another PR.
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< sourabhvarshney1> @zoq @rcurtin I am not getting why is it failing style check? Please help.
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< rcurtin> sourabhvarshney1: you can click on the failing check itself and it will take you to that page
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< rock> Hi, I am new here. Can you please tell me where can I learn about cli and python bindings. I want to work on Issue #1152
< rcurtin> rock: I think your best bet is to look at the code itself, it's all in src/mlpack/bindings/ (and places referenced from there)
< rcurtin> but I see that is not linked to from the documentation pages so let me fix that ...
< rock> thanks for quick help @rcurtin
< rcurtin> I updated the description of #1152 also for anyone else who comes across it
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