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< haritha1313> zoq: Well, my main motivation was diving into the codebase itself, especially the ann module, since I found a few interesting projects from there in the GSOC ideas list. But I do understand that this is a complex one.
< haritha1313> Would you suggest that I try something else or is it fine to just get started on it and focus on optimization for single core and see how it goes?
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< Guest10269> hi! i would ike to contribute to mlPACK
< Guest10269> can someone guide me on how to proceed?
< ShikharJ> Guest10269: You can start here:
< Guest10269> thanks!
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< HeikoS> jojo
< HeikoS> I am writing another version of a GSoC project based around your benchmark thing
< HeikoS> interested in being put down as a co-mentor?
< HeikoS> rcurtin, zoq
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< zoq> HeikoS: Happy to co-mentor.
< zoq> haritha1313: You can definitely start with this one, just wanted to point out that there are some points that might be unclear. But as I said you can always ask here for help.
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#31 (ClangFormat - 674f5d8 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> HeikoS: agreed, I'm happy to help co-mentor where I'm able to
< HeikoS> ace
< HeikoS> rcurtin: zoq: I have put you down
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#32 (ClangFormat - b720c56 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build passed.
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< ImQ009> Hello. What's the status of current RNN implementation? I see that they're not available in the stable release
< zoq> ImQ009: Hello, it will be released with mlapack 3.0; we still have to write some examples and improve the training process.
< ImQ009> I see. Would you consider it generally usuable though?
< ImQ009> usable*
< zoq> yes
< ImQ009> Great, thank you
< zoq> Your welcome, let us know if you need any help.
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