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< alexsc> yeah, I’ll be using it intensely in the next days.. great toolbox. first thing I can report is about the number of doxygen warnings because of the outdated @param documentation :). so many
< alexsc> I can fix that on the parts I’ll be using and issue pull requests
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< sachu> hii , want to contribute , need help
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< zoq> sachu: Hello there, might be helpful.
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< alexscc> one question: is it implemented somewhere, for KNN, the selection of the “top ranking class among the best K”? I can code it myself but I wonder if it’s already in the framework
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< rcurtin> alexscc: actually that is not implemented; the original lab group that built the KNN code was more interested in the KNN problem but not the KNN classification problem
< rcurtin> there are two ways to implement it; the first is to use the existing KNN class and then argmax over the results
< rcurtin> the second is to actually implement a dual-tree traversal that can have some additional prunes to give additional speedup for classification
< rcurtin> definitely the first approach is the easiest for now, but I am hoping that the second approach can be implemented eventually (however I haven't had any chance to do that)
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< jjmachan> hai guys
< jjmachan> I'd like to contribute to this project, I've finished compiling the project.
< jjmachan> but i'm just learning ml so what would be the best areas where I should focus?
< zoq> jjmachan: Hello there, that depends on your interests. You could go over the github issues and maybe you find something.
< zoq> Maybe you like to contribute something new, it's up to you.
< rcurtin> jjmachan: I opened an issue recently that might be good for someone who wants to learn a little bit of machine learning and also learn about mlpack:
< rcurtin> maybe you will find that interesting, maybe not---there are lots of other issues too if not :)
< jjmachan> @zoq thnks :)
< jjmachan> @rcurtin checked out that issue .... i don't know if I can but I'll try my best!
< rcurtin> sure, sounds good, hope the pointers are helpful
< jjmachan> actually its the best written issue I've seen..... really helpful for someone like me thanks a lot @rcurtin
< rcurtin> good to hear, I will try to be sure to write more issues like that in the future
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