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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3633 (master - cba9ff9 : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< abstract> Hello Everyone.
abstract is now known as Guest86462
< zoq> abstract: Hello there!
< Guest86462> I have been reading documentation for mlpack for last few days and wanted to start contributing. I looked over issues page but there was not anything latest. It would be very kind of you if you direct me in some direction so that I can start contributing or implementing something for mlpack.
< zoq> I'm sure we can figure something out.
< zoq> You can always go through the codebase and see if you find something interesting that can be added or improved, but if you like you can also contribute something new.
< zoq> There is an open issue, that is quite popular: it's bascially all about adding new optimization methods.
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< Guest86462> I have been reading documentation for mlpack for last few days and wanted to start contributing. I looked over issues page but there was not anything latest. It would be very kind of you if you direct me in some direction so that I can start contributing or implementing something for mlpack.
< zoq> Guest86462: Welcome back, please take a look at the logs:
< Guest86462> Oh sorry about sending same message again. I got disconnected.
< zoq> Guest86462: No worries.
< Guest86462> I have basic knowledge of Machine Learning. Will that suffice if I want to start contributing? Or should I strengthen it first?
< zoq> In most cases a willingnes to learn new paradigm is fine to get started. In any case might be helpful it lists some references that might be helpful.
< Guest86462> Will mlpack be participating in GSoC this year?
< zoq> We will submit an application, but we have to wait until February 12 to know for sure if we get in.
< Guest86462> Okay. Should I start learning about and implementing R
< Guest86462> RPROP
< Guest86462> What do you say?
< zoq> RPROP is already take, but if you like you can take a look into Natural Evolution Strategies (NES) -
< zoq> *taken
< Guest86462> Okay. Anything specific in that?
< zoq> It might be a good idea to start with the standard algortihm before looking into xNES etc.
< Guest86462> Can you elaborate a bit more?
< zoq> CMAES is already implemented, might be helpful to look into the code to get a feeling about the structure.
< zoq> There are a couple of methods to improve the standard NES method like by using an exponential map (xNES)
< zoq> I would start by going through the paper.