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< carlos_> zoq, now everything compiles
< carlos_> i had to change all the boots libraries for the version 141 because i am using Visual Studio 2017
< carlos_> also, i found a library compiled for armadillo on NuGet, so there is no reason to do all the steps to compile the armadillo library
< carlos_> thanks for all the support
< zoq> Great that you figured it out.
< zoq> The armadillo nuget package is new: :)
< carlos_> yeah, its new and it works
< carlos_> Now I've created a project and I set the linkers and include paths correctly, or I think so. How can I call the functions from my source code on the project?
< carlos_> Should I create a .hpp file with all the functions ?
< carlos_> Everything its all right, it was a problem with the linker path
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< richukuttan> Congratulations to those who got selected for GSoC
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< richukuttan> zoq, is it possible for me to do the Neural Programmer Interpreter project under you, even though it did not get selected?
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< kartik> <zoq> thanks for having faith on me.. ill give my best !!
< zoq> richukuttan: Of course, this is an open source project, we are open for every idea and do our best to help. Let me know what you think and we can go from there.
< zoq> kartik: Hello, excited to work with you over the summer.
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< shikhar> Congratulations to everyone! Really excited to contribute and looking forward to a summer full of learning. Thanks a lot for the patient guidance. :)
< zoq> shikhar: Welcome, this summer is going to be awesome!
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< Trion> :-) Congrats to all that got selected!
< sumedhghaisas> zoq: Hey Marcus. Just got the result. Congrats to everyone. How many students this year?
< ironstark> Thanks for selecting me. I'll give my best :-)
< zoq> sumedhghais: We are looking forward to work with 10 students over the summer.
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< sumedhghaisas> zoq: 10 students?? wow... thats amazing
< sumedhghaisas> it is going to be a great summer for MLPACK
< Trion> zoq: found this tool, might help in exporting models to other languages, it wraps C++ as python modules :D
< zoq> Trion: rcurtin is already working on python bindings: but thanks!
< zoq> sumedhghais: I agree :)
< Trion> wow there are so many commits
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< naxalpha> hi guys, how many got selected this time?
< zoq> naxalpha: Hello, 10 students
< naxalpha> zoq: good, unfortunately i didn't get selected this time
< naxalpha> still had fun and will continue working with you guys.
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< richukuttan> zoq: I'd like to do it in roughly the same way as I proposed for GSoC, unless you have other suggestions to improve it.
< richukuttan> zoq: But I would like to have an extended time frame, in order to fulfill other commitments.
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< zoq> naxalpha: Glad to hear that you had fun, looking forward to work with you.
< zoq> richukuttan: Sounds good for me, my recommendation is to start a discussion about the API/Interface.
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< richukuttan> zoq: Can you tell me how I could have improved my GSoC proposal to make the cut? WHat was missing, or wrong? Thanks
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2360 (master - c614984 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< rcurtin> blah, sometimes I forget to '--rebase origin' when I pull, but once I realize it's too late
< rcurtin> I guess I could reset then try again, maybe this is what I should do
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< zoq> rcurtin: to keep the history clean?
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