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< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, I try to avoid the unnecessary merges when I can
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< rcurtin> zoq: I am having a lot of deja vu about #993; wasn't there some other change that was made recently to print all the tests?
< rcurtin> I seem to remember finding the --list_content option (and then forgetting it until you pointed it out again), but I can't remember anything else about the discussion
< zoq> rcurtin: I think we thought they deprecated the option, but it looks like the option was introduced in 1.60.0.
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< rcurtin> 1.60, not 1.39?
< zoq> I tested it on masterblaster and there is no list_content option
< rcurtin> yes, masterblaster is 1.58
< rcurtin> ok, so I guess the comment you made in #993 has a typo? "for newer boost versions (>= 103600) there is already an option"
< rcurtin> 103600 would be 1.36, which is much older
< rcurtin> it seems like in 1.60 perhaps there was a rewrite of the input option parsing
< rcurtin> in 1.58 (and probably older), changing "tests" to "--print_tests" works just fine, I guess because they are just ignoring options they don't know
< rcurtin> so I suspect it may be possible to just "#if BOOST_VERSION < 106000" and then if that's true, add the option --list_content, to backport it
< rcurtin> but I am not sure exactly where that parsing change is, if it's 1.60.0 or 1.59.0 or what
< zoq> you are right, my bad it's 106000
< zoq> I think at the end the version doesn't matter, since if list-content is available it's not overwritten by our version.
< rcurtin> ah, right, good point!
< rcurtin> but I think the format that --list_content will give is slightly different than the format your patch gives
< zoq> yeah, if we are going to go this way I'll change the output accordingly
< rcurtin> sure, as long as that output format works for whatever purpose you have for it
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