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< rcurtin> mikeling: have you had a chance to add the test for the weighted decision tree learning that I suggested?
< rcurtin> I was hoping to look into that tomorrow, so if you haven't, no worries, I just wanted to avoid duplicating work if possible :)
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< zoq> If we set the matlab search path: the tests should pass.
< zoq> hm, is there something wrong with the list?
< mikeling> rcurtin: Oh hey! I miss the message somehow. Please take it if you need, thank you!
< mikeling> :)
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - git commit test build #2725: FAILURE in 23 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> * Marcus Edel: Independently initialize each layer of a specific network; this could
< jenkins-mlpack> * Marcus Edel: Add test for the network initialization method (test with each
< jenkins-mlpack> * Marcus Edel: Remove unused parameter and simplify the cell update step.
< zoq> working on it
< rcurtin> zoq: did you really push that many commits, or is gitdub acting strangely again?
< zoq> rcurtin: I made 3 commits
< zoq> to master and othing to the mlpack-2.2.x branch
< rcurtin> ok, I see... :)
< zoq> Okay, the next time, I'll should test the code with clang and gcc.
< rcurtin> no worries, your success rate with commits is still much higher than mine :)
< zoq> nice now the windows build failed with a nuget timeout error
< rcurtin> sigh :(
< jenkins-mlpack> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - git commit test build #2726: FIXED in 42 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> Marcus Edel: Define the model for each init rule to fix gcc issue.
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< rcurtin> wow, that's really fast, it took -2 seconds to run...
< zoq> yeah :) I forgot to map the error for the IRC message ...
< rcurtin> I guess, for the matlab search path, I would have to add every methods/*/ directory, does that seem right to you?
< zoq> yeah, export MATLABPATH=$(shell pwd)/methods/matlab/ should do
< rcurtin> oh, right
< rcurtin> I should have checked...
< rcurtin> for some reason I thought it was laid out like mlpack where each method had its own directory :)
< rcurtin> now we can wait for a long time to see if I fixed the issues, since the checkout job now takes a couple hours because it builds all the libraries
< rcurtin> I guess, I could do the build step in parallel
< zoq> yeah, I guess you could run it in parallel
< rcurtin> yeah, I am changing the scripts now
< zoq> but I don't mind to wait :)
< rcurtin> ok, that should work better now, we can save some time :)
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< zoq> right, just use all cores to build the libs
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< rcurtin> weird, a segmentation fault in the python xml unittest runner...
< zoq> yeah, weird haven't found a solution yet, just a "workaround"
< rcurtin> oh, do you have a workaround for it?
< rcurtin> I was still trying to narrow down the cause
< rcurtin> it seems like the test XMLs are generated anyway, but maybe there is a problem with one of them, I haven't checked fully
< zoq> workaround is probably not the right term, since jenkins fails I used 'make checks || mkdir -p test' that way the build passes and the status depends on the number of failed tests, definitely not the best solution
< rcurtin> I think that's an ok workaround for now
< rcurtin> I'll go ahead and add that in
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